Abstract:With the increase in the permeability of renewable energy and the frequency of extreme weather, the power system requires a large amount of flexible power regulation capacity. In order to realize the multi-day cooperation of reserve resources, the stochastic optimization of medium- and short-term reserve arrangement considering the typhoon uncertainty is studied in this paper. Firstly, the extreme scenario generation and reduction method considering the typhoon path -intensity prediction uncertainty is constructed. Then, considering the combined cost of preventive and emergency control for adequacy in multiple scenarios, the reserve arrangement optimization model in extreme weather is built. In this model, the pre-dispatching strategies for multiple types of reserve resources are proposed to maintain the medium- and short-term coordination. Finally, case studies on a simplified 24-node power system of Zhejiang province, China are presented based on the data of the typhoon Fireworks in July 2021, and the result shows that the proposed reserve arrangement optimization model can reduce the total cost of power systems and the risk of operation under the typhoon disaster.