Abstract:Network reconfiguration is of the oretical and practical significance to guarantee safe and economical operation of distribution system. In this paper, based on all spanning trees of undirected graph, a novel genetic algo-rithm for electric distribution network reconfiguration is proposed. Above all, all spanning trees of simplified graph of distribution network are found. Tie branches are obtained with spanning tree subtracted from simplified graph. There is one and only one switch open on each tie branch. Decimal identity number of open switch on eachtie branch is taken as the optimization variable. Therefore,the length of chromosome is very short. Each spanning tree corresponds to one subpopulation. Gene operations of each subpopulation are implemented with parallel computing method. Individuals of off spring after gene operation automatically meet with radial and connected constraints for distribution network operation. Disadvantages of con-ventional genetic algorithm for network reconfiguration that a large amount of unfeasible solutions are created after crossover and mutation, which result in very low searching efficiency, are completely overcome. High calculationspeed and superior capability of the proposed method are validated by two test cases.