Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy

ISSN 2196-5625 CN 32-1884/TK

Resonance Assessment of Large-scale Wind Park Connected to Primary Distribution Network

1.School of Electrical Engineering, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica;2.ERA Energy Research and Analytics, Campinas, Brazil;3.School of Electrical Engineering and Computation, State University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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This work was supported in part by TotalEnergies EP Brasil through the ANP regulatory incentive for R&DI and in part by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development under Grant #306921/2019-7.

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    On-shore wind parks are typically connected to the high-voltage (HV) transmission system through a bulk transformer. However, wind generators may be connected directly at a medium-voltage (MV) level, such as a utility-owned primary distribution network, if the network is capable of sustaining the power flow and ensuring adequate power quality for its users. This paper presents the findings of a comprehensive study on the management of resonance in a utility-owned wind park in Costa Rica. The wind park is connected directly to the MV primary distribution network and has no shunt capacitor for power factor correction. The results demonstrate that such configuration has a higher immunity to resonances, as the total grid equivalent impedance perceived by the wind park is typically dominated by the absent HV/MV transformer and shunt capacitor bank. Moreover, the capacitance provided by the underground feeders of the wind park did not result in natural oscillation frequencies in the range of typical harmonic distortions observed in MV distribution networks that violated power quality standards.

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  • Received:February 01,2024
  • Revised:June 11,2024
  • Online: January 24,2025