Congestions are becoming a significant issue with an increasing number of occurrences in distribution networks due to the growing penetration of distributed generation and the expected development of electric mobility. Fair congestion management (CM) policies and prices require proper indices of congested areas and contributions of customer to congestions. This paper presents spatial and temporal indices for rapidly recognizing the seriousness of congestions from the perspectives of both magnitude violation and duration to prioritize the affected areas where CM procedures should be primarily activated. Besides, indices are presented which describe the contributions of customers to the congestions. Simulation tests on IEEE 123-bus and Australian 23-bus low-voltage distribution test feeders illustrate the calculation and capabilities of the proposed indices in balanced and unbalanced systems.
THE operation and control of distribution networks are undergoing significant changes due to the large number of active customers and new types of loads such as air conditioners, heat pumps, and electric vehicles (EVs) [
Traditionally, the congestion happens when sufficient energy cannot be transmitted to customers due to aged equipment, ineffective network planning, faults, and the low accuracy of the load forecasts [
The duration, extension, and levels of expected congestions need to be determined to assess the adequacy and performances of a CM procedure. The direction of power flow suggests the congestion scenario. If the power flows from the substation to load, the power output of DG can help the system to relieve the congestion in some areas, while if the direction is opposite, the output from DG is the main reason for the congestion. In some cases, the intervention of CM procedures is not required when there is a slight congestion for a short time due to fluctuating load and growing uncertainties. Appropriate indices are needed to promptly recognize the seriousness of congestions. Moreover, they can be a reference for the design of fair CM policies [
Compared with the studies regarding CM in transmission networks, the research on prediction and management of congestions in distribution systems is still limited. So far, overloading, and locational marginal prices (LMPs) are utilized to identify the seriousness of congestions for the wholesale power markets. In transmission networks, higher electricity prices appear in case of overload of transmission lines [
Similarly, load reduction and costs are the primary components to minimize the objective function considered in [
In distribution networks, overloading and voltage violation are the two main concerns [
The estimation of the congestion severity has some peculiarities with respect to probabilistic load flow analysis. While probabilistic load flow is concerned with estimated system states and short- or long-term planning [
The improved implementation of all the flexibilities is required for fair and efficient CM procedures and markets, intending to maximize the active participation of all the users. DG and demand response (DR) are expected to help in the CM of transmission networks, as described in [
The shortcomings in the literature mentioned above are as follows.
1) Although overloading increased LMPs, and voltage violations are indicators for the occurrence of congestions in distribution systems, an additional analysis is needed for the definition of indices that can be utilized to estimate the severity of congestions both in the short term and long term.
2) Long-term congestion estimation, network planning, and investment decisions require improved indices to better capture the intermittent characteristic, frequency, and duration of congestions.
3) There is still a lack of aggregate indices, combining both temporal and spatial aspects, able to recognize and prioritize the congested areas.
This paper aims at presenting indices that better reveal the severity of congestion and monitor the specific contributions to congestion by the customers connected to each bus in the long-term horizon. A clear indication of congestion severity and contributions of customer to congested areas will help utility operators to recognize problems and activate a fair CM procedure promptly.
The long-term estimation of congested areas and contributions of customers can be derived from the clustering of power flow conditions. The analysis considers both the daily violations of the branch thermal limits and the voltage violations caused by excess power flow in feeders with significant impedance.
In this context, the specific contributions of this paper are: ① the definition of spatial and temporal indices to reveal the level and seriousness of congested area in radial distribution networks in terms of both thermal limit violations and voltage violations; ② the definition of indices of the relationships between the customers at each bus and each thermal/voltage congestion considering the average contribution, in order to identify both customers who are the leading cause of the congestion and those whose flexibilities may perform effectively in relieving congestions; ③ the suggestion on the use of the proposed indices for short-term CM procedures, flexibility market regulation, and long-term investment planning and expansion.
The paper is structured as follows. Section II presents quantitative indices for congestion levels. Section III describes indices of the relationship between users and congestions. Section IV presents the application of the method in the test cases considering daily profiles of load, PV generation, and EV charging requests. Section V describes the numerical tests relevant to the contributions of customers and the application to market-based CM schemes. Section VI concludes the paper.
The proposed quantitative indices for the evaluation of congestion levels are shown in

Fig. 1 Quantitative indices for evaluation of congestion levels.
Although we apply the proposed indices to three-phase networks under unbalanced conditions, the reference to a specific phase is avoided in the description for simplicity. If a phase conductor or the neutral of a branch is overloaded, we assume thermal congestion in that branch. The same applies for voltage violations at a bus, considering that both the maximum and minimum limits cannot be violated at the same bus and period for different phase voltages.
Typical indices which are able to quantify spatial congestion levels are the maximum, average, and cumulative violation values both for branch currents and bus voltages in a specific period.
For a distribution network with branches and buses, we define B as Nbr×tr matrix of branch current root mean square (RMS) values and V as the Nnd×tr matrix of bus voltage RMS values at each interval (, where tr is the time horizon and equals to 24 hours in the simulations of Section IV, and is the interval time, which is 1 hour for case 1 and 0.5 hour for case 2 in Section IV).
The relevant definitions at the
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
where i, j, and t denote the branch, bus, and time, respectively; CI is the Nbr×tr matrix of thermal violations; CV is the Nnd×tr matrix of voltage violations; MCI, ACI, and ACCI are the maximum, average, and cumulative thermal violation Nbr×1 vectors on all the branches, respectively; MCV, ACV, and ACCV are the maximum, average, and cumulative voltage violation Nnd×1 vectors at all the buses, respectively; is the Nbr×1 vector of current rated values for all the branches; is the rated voltage in per unit; and are the upper- and lower-voltage constraints, respectively, , ; and tc is the Nbr×1 vector of total thermal congestion durations in each branch.
MCV, ACV, and ACCV are calculated with expression analogous to (3)-(5). For example, in the simulation on the IEEE 123-bus system shown in Section IV, ACCI, ACI, and MCI of branch 1 are 4.487, 0.299, and 0.65, and the cumulative overloading is 4.487 p.u., whilst the average and the maximum overloadings are 0.299 and 0.65 p.u., respectively.
Temporal indices are proposed to quantify the congestion duration, frequency, and continuity. CRI and CRV are temporal indices that show the congestion duration in a specific time horizon. The vectors are defined as:
×100% | (6) |
×100% | (7) |
where CRI is the Nbr×1 vector of the ratio between the thermal violation durations in the branches and the time horizon; CRV is the Nnd×1 vector of the ratio between voltage violation durations at the buses and the time horizon; and tv is the Nnd×1 vector of the entire voltage congestion duration at each bus.
From the perspective of the CM procedure, congestions that last longer than a predefined time interval should have the priority. Some indices are specifically defined to reveal the degree of continuity of the congestion.
These values of these indices are obtained as described below. We define Sci as the Nbr×tr matrix in which and as the shifted matrix of by time intervals:
(8) |
Then, Conici is given by:
×100% | (9) |
where Conici is the Nbr×1 vector of thermal violation continuity indices; and is the
AICI and AICV integrate the spatial and temporal indices in terms of thermal violation and voltage violation, respectively, for short- and long-term congestion estimations. These indices provide a clear vision of congestion scenarios and congested levels. The definitions are as follows.
(10) |
(11) |
where denotes the element-by-element multiplication. For instance, in the simulations relevant to the Australian 23-bus system shown in Section IV, and of branch 10 and bus 23 at phase C are 2.4497 p.u. and 0.2024 p.u., respectively.
The calculation procedure of spatial and temporal indices is shown in

Fig. 2 Calculation procedure of spatial and temporal indices.
For the case of thermal violations, in a radial distribution network, all the downstream buses of one congested branch/bus would contribute to the congestion of this branch/bus. For the case of voltage violations, the flexibility of customers connected upstream with respect to the affected area can be used by the CM procedure as they may be more effective than those in the other buses. After identifying the congestion level, the assessment of the specific relationship between each customer and congestion has significant importance in building a fairer market by allocating the duty for congestion alleviation. In this framework, specific indices are proposed to identify these relationships that can be exploited by electricity policy for rewarding proactive consumers to use local generation and DR mechanisms [
The proposed contribution of customer indices include the maximum, average, and standard deviations of contributions to thermal violations (maxci, aveci, and stdci) and voltage violations (maxcv, avecv, and stdcv), respectively. Aggregate contribution index AGCI is also proposed to present the aggregate contribution from one customer. The indices are illustrated in

Fig. 3 Overview of indices for contributions of customer.
Customers are aggregated at each bus due to two reasons. Firstly, in nodal price regulation, the knowledge of the aggregate contribution is more useful than the specific contribution from each single customer connected to the same bus. Secondly, the contribution from an individual customer can be calculated by multiplying the proportion of a single customer to the total. The load from a single customer is obtained by an appropriate metering infrastructure.
To express the influence of bus currents on branch currents and voltage drops, the well-known matrices BIBC and BCBV are used. BIBC is the bus-injection to branch-current matrix, and is the branch-current to bus-voltage matrix [
We define the following spatial and temporal indices: is the Nbr×tr matrix of the contributions of customer at bus k to the thermal violation during tr; is the Nnd×tr matrix of the number of congested branches influenced by the customers at each bus during tr; is the Nnd×Nbr matrix of the duration (in hour) of congestions in each branch due to the customers connected to each bus; and , , and are the Nnd×1 vectors of maximum, average, and standard deviation values of the contributions from the customer at each bus to thermal violations, respectively.
We consider I as the Nnd×tr matrix of the currents injected at the buses and as the Nbr×tr matrix of the ratios between the current in branch i due to the current injected at bus k and the total currents in the same branch:
(12) |
(13) |
One customer may contribute to several congested branches. Also, the contributions from that customer varies according to the fluctuation of thermal violations. Therefore, the variation of contributions needs to be considered in evaluating the contribution in the short-term and long-term time horizon. We consider the and are the mean values of the maximum and average contributions to all the congested branches throughout the thermal congested periods.
For instance, to calculate from the customer at bus k, the maximum contributions to all congested branches from this customer are calculated separately at each interval firstly. Then, all the maximum contributions are added up and divided by the maximum congestion duration. The elements of , , and are calculated as:
(14) |
(15) |
(16) |
where is the mean of the elements of row i of matrix . For example, in case 1 of the simulations in Section V, the maximum and average contributions from customers at bus 48 with configuration 1 to overloading are 0.0495 p.u. and 0.0431 p.u., respectively.
Analogously to the relationship between customers and the thermal violations in the branches, we define the following indices for the contributions to the bus voltage violations: is the Nnd×tr matrix of the contributions of customers at bus k to voltage violation during tr; is the Nnd×tr matrix of the number of congested buses caused by each bus current during tr; is the Nnd×Nnd matrix of the duration of the congestion on each bus caused by each bus current; and , , and are the Nnd×1 vectors of the maximum, average, and standard deviation values of the contributions of each bus current to voltage violations, respectively.
For the calculation of , we define at first as the Nnd×tr matrix of the ratios between the voltage drop due to the current at bus k and the total voltage drop at the same bus as:
(17) |
where . Then, we can obtain:
(18) |
AGCI shows the contribution of the customer at each bus to the congested areas, considering both thermal and voltage violations. For its calculation, at first, the total contribution of the injected current at bus k to the congested branches and buses is evaluated for each time slot. Then, the two contributions are weighted by using the vectors of coefficients and . Finally, is calculated as the contribution over the total duration of congestions:
(19) |
and allow for weighting the contributions to thermal congestion and voltage congestion, respectively, which can be decided by the customer damage function (CDF) or value of customer reliability (VCR). Since CDF or VCR is not in the scope of this paper, and are considered equal to 0.5. is the total duration of congestions due to the injected current at bus k, i.e., .
Two test cases are considered: case 1 uses the IEEE 123-bus test system [
Regarding case 1,

Fig. 4 Spot load at each bus of case 1.

Fig. 5 Maximum active and reactive power of case 2. (a) Phase A. (b) Phase B. (c) Phase C.
In both cases, the load demand of EV charging has been obtained by using the profiles of weighted arrival time probability distribution from [
We assume a constant that voltage equals to the rated value at the medium-voltage (MV) side of the substation transformer due to the action of its automatic voltage regulator. for branches 1 (between buses 149 and 1), 4, 8, 11, 14, 37, 42, 44, 46, 49-54, 56, 59, 115 (between buses 18 and 35), 117 (between buses 13 and 52), and 119 (between buses 54 and 94) is 200 A; for branches 73, 78, 87, 89, 91, 93, 94, 102, 106, 109, 119 (between buses 97 and 197), 121 (between buses 151 and 300) is 150 A; and for the rest of branches is 100 A in case 1. of branches 7, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 is 200 A, and 100 A for the rest of the branches in case 2. Also, each branch is named by the number of receiving bus in case 2.
As mentioned above, two different configurations of the IEEE 123-bus test distribution feeder are considered. In configuration 1, switches 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 are closed, while switches 4 and 5 are open. The voltage regulator between bus 160 and bus 67 is operating within a 10% maximum range. In configuration 2, switches 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are closed, and switches 6 and 7 are open. The voltage regulator between bus 25 and bus 26 is in operation.

Fig. 6 Spatial and temporal indices of congested branches for configuration 1.

Fig. 7 Spatial and temporal indices of congested buses for configuration 1.

Fig. 8 Spatial and temporal indices of congested branches for configuration 2.

Fig. 9 Spatial and temporal indices of congested buses for configuration 2.

Fig. 10 Congestion map based on AICI and AICV. (a) AICI of configuration 1. (b) AICI and AICV of configuration 2.
It is worth noting that the congested buses of configuration 1 experience voltage violations for 1 hour. According to the definition (), AICV values of congested buses in configuration 1 are equal to 0, implying that the voltage issue can be ignored in this scenario. As for configuration 2, even though the AICV values of buses 67-85 and 97-100 are not as high as AICI, voltage violation cannot be neglected by power utilities. Furthermore, the priority in the application of CM procedure should be considered according to the VCR.
According to

Fig. 11 Spatial and temporal indices of congested branches at each phase of case 2. (a) Spatial indice. (b) Temporal indice.
Phases B and C suffer longer congestion, over 30% of the time horizon. In summary, phase C experiences the severest thermal violation compared with the other two phases. Also, no voltage congestion occurs in phase A.

Fig. 12 Spatial and temporal indices of congested buses at each phase of case 2. (a) Spatial indice. (b) Temporal indice.
The maximum continuities of voltage congestion at phases B and C are 20 % and 83.33%, respectively. More buses with higher voltage violations encounter voltage violations at phase C. Overall, phase C is more vulnerable than the other two phases in terms of thermal violation and voltage violation.
The Australian 23-bus LV distribution feeder, shown in

Fig. 13 Thermal congestion map at each phase based on of case 2. (a) Phase A. (b) Phase B. (c) Phase C.
According to these maps, phase C suffers the most serious congestions compared with phases A and B in terms of both thermal and voltage violations.

Fig. 14 Voltage congestion map at phases B and C based on AICV of case 2. (a) Phase B. (b) Phase C.
Contributions of customers to congestion with configuration 1 is presented in

Fig. 15 Contributions of customers to congestion with configuration 1.

Fig. 16 Contributions of customers to congestion with configuration 2.

Fig. 17 AGCI of load at each bus.
For Case 2, the average and maximum contributions of customers to thermal violations and voltage violations at three phases are shown in

Fig. 18 Contribution of customer to congestion at each bus for case 2. (a)Contribution to thermal congestion. (b) Contribution to voltage congestion.
Customers at bus 11, followed by customers at bus 23, contribute the most to the congestion in phase A. Customers at buses 2, 4, 7, 13, 18, 22, and 23 contribute more than 0.05 p.u. to the thermal violation in phase B. Customers at buses 17 and 23 contribute more than 0.08 p.u. to the thermal violation in phase C. Similarly, customers, with the largest contributions to the thermals violation, also contribute the most to voltage violation in phases B and C.

Fig. 19 AGCI of customers at each bus for case 2.
As expected, the buses with higher injected currents show significant contributions to congestions. Customers connected to the buses at the end of the feeder exhibit larger contributions than those connected with buses near the substation, even though they have similar loads. Moreover, different configurations may lead to different contributions, even though the loads are not changed. The number of congested branches and buses is another critical factor that influences the aggregative contribution index.
In the simulation, the time horizon is 24 hours (a day) with intervals of 1 hour and 0.5 hour for case 1 and case 2. Long-term, e.g., one year or five years, congestion estimation can be attained by clustering the load with probabilities and application of the same procedures as presented in this paper. The evaluation of the proposed indices for congestion areas and contributions of customer can help power utility to regulate proper CM procedures and build a fair market for the active customers, especially when the flexibilities are limited as well as make long-term investment plans.
For a short-term congestion estimation, e.g., 24 hours, vulnerable areas can be detected by calculating the proposed indices for thermal and voltage violations based on the load forecasting for the next following 24 hours. The most vulnerable regions for thermal congestion and voltage congestion can be distinguished by checking the congestion severity map according to the AICI and AICV values. Spatial and temporal indices provide detailed information on congested branches and buses in these vulnerable areas. With the thermal vulnerable area map and voltage vulnerable map, power utilities can prioritize the areas according to the seriousness of congestion and regulate short-term CM procedures.
Moreover, evaluating the proposed indices for contributions of customer to congestions helps build fairer flexibility management and regulation of rewards for the customers contributing to congestion solution. According to [
Investment planning referencing the long-term congestion estimation can help power utilities to relieve the congestion and improve system reliability. For instance, the deployment of energy storage system (ESS) can shave load and absorb excessive renewable generation in a distribution network integrated with high penetration of DER [

Fig. 20 Application of proposed indices.
In this paper, we propose spatial indices and temporal indices to quantify the seriousness of congestions in distribution network in terms of both thermal violation and voltage violations. Spatial indices include the maximum, average, and cumulative values of thermal and voltage magnitude violations. Temporal indices are congestion duration, congestion rate, and continuity. Two aggregate congestion level indices are proposed to represent the congestion level of thermal and voltage violations considering the frequencies and continuities in the long term. Also, the contribution indices from customers to thermal congestion and voltage congestion are represented in this paper as well as the aggregate index.
Numerical results obtained using the IEEE 123-bus test feeder with two configurations and an Australian 23-bus LV distribution system confirm that the proposed indices can be utilized to quantify the seriousness of congestions from perspectives of amplitude violation and duration in a balanced system and an unbalanced system.
For the considered cases, changing the system configuration has more impacts on voltage congestion compared with thermal congestion. The congestion may exacerbate the voltage unbalance issue. The proposed indices can identify the severity of the congestions, the geographical location of concerned areas, and contributions of customer. Moreover, suggestions on the deployment of the proposed indices for applying demand response or regulating electricity price in CM procedure are presented.
Concerning traditional indices that only consider the magnitude of violation at a specific load point, the aggregated indices that consider the duration and spatial will help make better decisions relevant to CM policy and strategies in the situations of limited flexibility resources.
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