In this paper, we present a time-domain dynamic state estimation for unbalanced three-phase power systems. The dynamic nature of the estimator stems from an explicit consideration of the electromagnetic dynamics of the network, i.e., the dynamics of the electrical lines. This enables our approach to release the assumption of the network being in quasi-steady state. Initially, based on the line dynamics, we derive a graph-based dynamic system model. To handle the large number of interacting variables, we propose a port-Hamiltonian modeling approach. Based on the port-Hamiltonian model, we then follow an observer-based approach to develop a dynamic estimator. The estimator uses synchronized sampled value measurements to calculate asymptotic convergent estimates for the unknown bus voltages and currents. The design and implementation of the estimator are illustrated through the IEEE 33-bus system. Numerical simulations verify the estimator to produce asymptotic exact estimates, which are able to detect harmonic distortion and sub-second transients as arising from converter-based resources.
STATE estimation techniques are inevitable for power system monitoring, control, and protection. Nowadays, the state estimation in power system control centers is realized in form of a weighted least squares (WLS) estimation [
Due to these reasons, new sub-second state estimation tools are required for monitoring, control, and protection of power systems. Power system dynamic state estimation (DSE) is a promising approach to provide such tools. DSE approaches are based on a dynamic model of the power system and fast-sampled and time-synchronized measurements. In the sequel, we distinguish between two different classes of DSE, viz. component-based DSE and network-based DSE.
In component-based DSE approaches, the dynamic states to be estimated are related to the components connected to the network, e.g., synchronous machines, storage systems, voltage source converters, or dynamic loads. Component-based DSE is a very active field of research as illustrated by the fruitful activities of the IEEE Task Force on Power System Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation [
A restriction of component-based DSE approaches is that they assume the network to be in quasi-steady state. As argued above, in converter-based power systems, this assumption is inadmissible leading to a blindness of component-based DSE approaches concerning important sub-second phenomena. This motivates a network-based DSE in which the dynamic states to be estimated are related to the variables from the network such as voltages and currents of buses and lines. Therewith, as with the classic WLS approach, the objective of a network-based DSE is to estimate the state of the network. However, network-based DSE has received limited attention in the literature. An exception is given by [
In this paper, we bridge this research gap. To this end, we develop a time-domain dynamic model and state estimator for the sub-second time scale in unbalanced three-phase distribution systems. In both the model and the estimator, the dynamics stem from the electromagnetic phenomena of the electrical lines of the network. The dynamic states of components connected to the network (such as converters) are not explicitly considered in our approach. Naturally, due to the large number of lines in a power system, such an approach leads to a large number of interacting system variables in terms of inputs, states, and outputs. To deal with this complexity, we propose a port-Hamiltonian approach. Port-Hamiltonian system (PHS) is a powerful framework for modeling complex physical systems [
Based on the port-Hamiltonian approach, the contributions of this paper are threefold: ① a graph-based PHS model which explicitly considers the dynamics of the lines; ② a dynamic state estimator, which is based on the model from ① and can be designed offline in an automated manner; and ③ a simulation study in which we demonstrate that the state estimator from ② extends the functionalities of a WLS-based state estimation to a sub-second time scale.
Notation: vectors and matrices are written in bold font. Let be a matrix with rows and columns. For the transpose of , we write . Let . The Kronecker product of and is written as . Now let . The inverse of is denoted by (if it exists). means that is positive-definite. The identity and zero matrices are denoted as and , respectively. A block diagonal matrix of matrices is denoted by .
Further, let be a set of indices. For each , suppose a variable . For the vertical concatenation of all in a vector , we write and append “for all ”.
Throughout this paper, the time-dependence “” of variables and vectors is omitted in the notation.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section II, we derive a graph-based PHS model of unbalanced three-phase systems. Based on the model, a dynamic state estimator is developed in Section III. In Section IV, the model generation and estimator design are exemplified for the IEEE 33-bus system. The estimation results are analyzed through numerical simulations. Section V concludes the paper and outlines directions for future research.
Consider an unbalanced three-phase power system with buses. The three phases are collected in the set . of the buses are connected to higher-level systems. The remaining buses are connected to loads. Distributed power generation is described by a negative load. The buses are connected by three-phase lines. The topology of the power system is described by a connected graph , where and contain buses and lines, respectively.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of IEEE 33-bus system.
A line is described by the -section model in
(1a) |
(1b) |

Fig. 2 -section equivalent circuit of a three-phase line.
Based on the line model from the previous subsection, we now derive a graph-based model of the power system. We consider an unbalanced system whose topology is described by the directed graph with the incidence matrix B.
First, we define the vectors of all bus voltages and bus currents as and , respectively, for all and . With “bus current”, we refer either to a current between a bus and a source of supply (e.g., bus 1 in
From the law of inductance, the voltages across the line inductances are given by:
(2) |
The currents through the inductances (and therewith the line currents) can be expressed as:
(3) |
In (3), the function describes the energy contained in the line inductances and is given by (4) with , where the matrix is from (2) for . Note that by the symmetry and positive definiteness of , we have .
(4) |
By Kirchhoff’s voltage law, the line voltages and the bus voltages are related in terms of:
(5) |
where is the 3×3 identity matrix.
The bus and line currents satisfy Kirchhoff’s current law:
(6) |
The voltage drop across the lines is composed of the voltage drop across the line resistances and the voltage drop across the line inductances (cf.
(7) |
The voltage drop across the line resistances is given by:
(8) |
where with from (1) for . By inserting (5) and (8) into (7), we can obtain:
(9) |
By inserting (2) and (3) into (9) and (6), we then obtain the dynamic model with and from (4).
The model (10) is a state-space model in form of an explicit PHSs (cf. [
(10a) |
(10b) |
We consider synchronized sampled value measurements (cf. [
(11) |
The matrix is a selector matrix that determines which of the bus voltages are measured. In a selector matrix, each row is a transposed unit vector [
(12) |
where is the complimentary matrix to , i.e., a selector matrix which picks the unmeasured bus voltages from the vector of all bus voltages. Note that by the properties of and , the composite matrix is a permutation matrix and therewith orthogonal.
The current measurements at the subset can be described by:
(13) |
where and .
The PHS (10) is a graph-based model of three-phase power systems. For a particular system, one obtains the particular system model by specifying the number of buses , the number of lines , the (directed) incidence matrix , and the resistance and inductance matrices in (1). Thereby, we can assign the resistance and inductance values individually to each of the three phases of each line, making the model capable of describing unbalanced power systems.
The dynamic states of the model (10) are the magnetic flux linkages of the self and mutual inductances of the three-phase lines. The inputs and outputs of the model are given by the bus voltages and bus currents, respectively. The bus currents are used to describe loads and generation units in terms of current extractions and injections, respectively. Note that with the bus voltages and bus currents, we can calculate all other voltages and currents in the power system.
The model (10) is defined in the time domain on a sub-second time scale. Hence, in the nominal case, the time courses of the model variables are oscillating with the system frequency (e.g., 50 Hz or 60 Hz).
The measurement model consists of two parts, viz. the voltage measurement
Based on model (10) and the measurement models (11) and (13), the next section is devoted to the development of an estimator for unbalanced three-phase power systems.
Consider the system model in (10) with voltage measurements (11) and current measurements (13).
By inserting (4) into (10a) and using the orthogonality of , the dynamics equation can be rewritten as:
(14) |
Moreover, by inserting (10b) into (13), we can obtain:
(15) |
Based on the dynamics
Assumption 1: the system in (14) and (15) is strong detectable.
Appendix A provides a brief introduction into the concept of strong detectability. The existence condition from Assumption 1 now allows to state the main theorem of this section. In this theorem, we propose an estimator for the unknown system variables.
Theorem 1: for the dynamic system consisting of (14) and (15), let Assumption 1 hold. Then, there exist matrices , , , and , such that the system of (16) yields estimates , , and , which asymptotically converge towards the unknown flux linkages , the unmeasured bus voltages , and the bus currents , respectively. In (16), the vector is the estimator state and the term is the Moore-Penrose inverse of .
(16a) |
(16b) |
(16c) |
(16d) |
Proof: we first verify that (16a) and (16b) yield an asymptotically converging estimate of the flux linkages—independently of the unknown bus voltages. To this end, we apply the unknown-input observer from [
Let Assumption 1 hold. Consider the estimation error . The dynamics of the estimation error read:
(17) |
where . Suppose we have:
(18a) |
(18b) |
(18c) |
If the conditions in (18) hold, (17) reads . If, in addition, is a Hurwitz matrix, we have for . Next, we show that we can always find matrices , , , and such that the conditions in (18) are fulfilled and is a Hurwitz matrix.
Assumption 1 implies [
(19) |
Based on a particular solution for , we can calculate from (18b):
(20) |
For the determination of the matrix , we rewrite (18a) as:
(21) |
where . From [
(22) |
Hence, we can always find matrices such that the conditions in (18) are satisfied and such that is a Hurwitz matrix.
For the estimation of the unknown bus voltages, we derive (15) with respect to time:
(23) |
With , we may solve (23) for :
(24) |
In (24), we substitute with and with and obtain (16c). By comparing (24) and (16c), we may deduce from for . Finally, from (10b), (16d), and , we may directly infer for .
The dynamic estimator (16) produces asymptotically converging estimates of the unknown bus voltages, the bus currents, and flux linkages based on the measurements and . As a model, the estimator is able to reconstruct system imbalances, sub-second transients, and harmonic distortion. Therewith, the dynamic estimator extends the functionalities of a classical WLS-based state estimation for advanced power system monitoring, control and protection schemes [
Note that (16) denotes a linear state-space system which can be solved numerically by using well-known techniques such as Euler or Runge-Kutta methods.
It is noteworthy that the matrices , , , and for the estimator (16) can be computed in an automated manner.
Algorithm 1 : automated design of the estimator of (16) |
Input: model (10) with measurements (11) and (13) |
1: Set up (14) and (15) |
2: Calculate and from (19) and (20), respectively |
3: Specify the eigenvalues of |
4: Calculate from (21) by pole placement techniques |
5: Calculate and from (21) and (22), respectively |
6: Return |
In this section, we illustrate the model (10) and the estimator (16) for the IEEE 33-bus system from
The IEEE 33-bus system from
By inserting the incidence matrix, the resistance matrices, and the inductance matrices into (10), we obtain a dynamic model of the IEEE 33-bus system. The state vector, the input vector, and the output vector of the model are given by the flux linkages , the bus voltages , and the bus currents , respectively.
To demonstrate the estimator design, we first define the sets of current and voltage measurement buses and , respectively. We assume the following buses to be equipped with current measurements: . In each measurement bus , sensors provide synchronized sampled value measurement of the three-phase line currents, i.e., the currents flowing through the incident lines. The bus currents are assumed to be non-measured. The current measurements are collected in the measurement vector . The dimension of 96 is calculated from , where “3” accounts for three-phase measurements and “32” for the number of lines being incident to the buses from . From the relation between the line currents and the bus currents in (6), we may then formulate a measurement equation in the form (13).
For the entire system, we assume only one three-phase bus voltage measurement which is located at bus 2, i.e., . This voltage measurement acts as a reference for the voltage estimates and constitutes the voltage measurement vector . From this, we can directly formulate a measurement
Based on the two measurement equations (
In this subsection, the model and estimator obtained in Section IV-A are analyzed through numerical simulations. As a ground truth, we use the MATLAB/Simulink time-domain simulation model of the IEEE 33-bus system from [
1) On buses , , and , load imbalances for the phases A, B, and C are introduced, respectively. For these buses, the load at the concerning phase is 30 higher than the load at the other two phases.
2) At , , and , we consider load transients in which the active and reactive power of the three-phase loads at buses , , and , respectively, increase by the factor 2.
3) The voltage at bus 1 is subject to harmonic distortion. We consider the
From now on, we denote the modified model from [
For the evaluation of the model and estimator, first, the ground truth model has been simulated which results in time series for all bus voltages, bus currents, line currents, and line flux linkages. Moreover, we obtain time series for all variables from the vectors and . The bus voltages constitute the input vector of the model (10). Hence, based on the time series of the bus voltages, we simulate (10). The output of this simulation is, amongst others, the time series for the bus currents (i.e., the output vector of (10)). Likewise, with the time series for and , we simulate the estimator (16) and obtain time-series for the estimates of the unmeasured bus voltages and currents.
In order to compare the results of the estimator (16) with the results obtained from a WLS estimation, we design a standard three-phase unbalanced WLS estimator. Thereby, we consider the same measured variables as for the estimator (16). To simulate the WLS estimator, the time series of the variables from the vectors and from the ground truth model are transferred to the phasor domain by phase-locked loops (PLLs). The parametrization of the PLLs is conducted via the advanced tuning method from [
All simulations were run with the same resolution on a computer with Inte
For the evaluation of the model (10) and estimator (16), we use the relative error signal power (RESP)
First, we analyze the RESP of the bus currents obtained from the simulations of the model (10) and the estimator (16).

Fig. 3 Three-phase average RESP of bus currents for model (10) and the estimator (16).
As can be observed, for each of the buses, the RESP of the model takes values equal to or less than 0.25%. Hence, the model (10) accurately reproduces the behavior of the ground truth model. The remaining differences between the models are due to numerical differences and can be further decreased by choosing a smaller simulation step size. For the estimator, we obtain even smaller RESP values of less than 0.025%. This is due to the measurement error feedback in an observer.

Fig. 4 Bus currents at bus 17 for ground truth model, model (10) and estimator (16) for time between 1.95 s and 2.10 s.
As an interim result, let us summarize that the model (10) accurately reflects the behavior of the ground truth model. Moreover, the estimator (16) produces the estimates that are very close to the values from the ground truth model.
Next, we compare the simulation results of the estimator (16) with the results obtained for a WLS estimator. For the estimator (16), the mean RESP over all reconstructed bus voltages is 0.0015% (standard deviation: 0.00092%). The respective value for the WLS estimator is 5.1% (standard deviation: 0.063%). Hence, the estimator (16) significantly outperforms the WLS estimator. This can be explained by two reasons. First, the WLS estimator cannot capture the harmonic distortion. This is illustrated in

Fig. 5 Bus voltages at phase A of bus 17 for ground truth model, estimator (16), and WLS estimator for time between 2 s and 2.02 s.

Fig. 6 Bus currents at phase A of bus 17 for ground truth model, estimator (16), and WLS estimator for time between 1.98 s and 2.08 s.
In the last part of this case study, we now compare the reconstructions from the estimator (16) and the WLS estimator under measurement noise. To this end, the measurements (13) are extended by noise, i.e., , where is a vector-valued Gaussian random process with zero mean and covariance matrix , , where is the identity matrix of order . The above simulations of the estimator (16) and the WLS estimator are then repeated on the basis of the noisy measurements.
The results are depicted in

Fig. 7 Mean RESPs over all voltages from reconstructions of estimator (16) and WLS estimator for different noise variances .
Finally, note that the s simulation of the estimator (16) is finished in about s, which indicates its real-time capability for a system of such size.
In this paper, we present an observer-based dynamic state estimator (i.e., (16)) for unbalanced three-phase power systems with synchronized sampled value measurements. The estimator is based on a PHS model (i.e., (10)), which explicitly considers the line dynamics. Our DSE can be designed offline in a fully automated manner (i.e.,
The concept of strong detectability extends the notion of detectability to systems with unknown inputs. Strong detectability can be explained by the smoothing property of PLLs for phasor computation in WLS estimation. Here, we briefly recapitulate this concept.
Consider a linear state-space system , with initial state . The following definition is taken from [
Definition: the above system is strong detectable if implies, .
Consider a ground truth signal , . The mean power of the signal is:
(B1) |
Furthermore, consider a second signal , which represents an approximation of the signal . This approximation may stem from a model or an estimator. We define the error signal as . The mean error signal power is defined as:
(B2) |
The RESP is defined as the quotient of (B2) and (B1):
(33) |
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