Potential malicious cyber-attacks to power systems which are connected to a wide range of stakeholders from the top to tail will impose significant societal risks and challenges. The timely detection and defense are of crucial importance for safe and reliable operation of cyber-physical power systems (CPPSs). This paper presents a comprehensive review of some of the latest attack detection and defense strategies. Firstly, the vulnerabilities brought by some new information and communication technologies (ICTs) are analyzed, and their impacts on the security of CPPSs are discussed. Various malicious cyber-attacks on cyber and physical layers are then analyzed within CPPSs framework, and their features and negative impacts are discussed. Secondly, two current mainstream attack detection methods including state estimation based and machine learning based methods are analyzed, and their benefits and drawbacks are discussed. Moreover, two current mainstream attack defense methods including active defense and passive defense methods are comprehensively discussed. Finally, the trends and challenges in attack detection and defense strategies in CPPSs are provided.
WITH the accelerated development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), a critical mass of instruments and devices with communication functions have been widely deployed in power systems to enhance the state observability, control responsiveness, and operation flexibility in the face of increased penetration of renewable generations at all voltage levels and mass roll-out of electrification plans across many end user sectors. This trend is transforming power systems to cyber-physical power systems (CPPSs), allowing seamless integration and interaction between power system assets covering physical infrastructure, information sensing and mining as well as system operation and control in cyber space [
It is evident that CPPSs would profoundly change the operation method of conventional power systems, yet the integration of communication and computation technologies will also bring new cybersecurity challenges to CPPSs. Firstly, the control equipment in conventional power systems is often designed without considering cybersecurity issues since conventional power systems have been working in an isolated physical environment for a long period of time in the history. Secondly, when communication and computation devices are coupled with conventional control systems of power system infrastructure, the existing security technologies cannot be directly extended to almost defenseless control devices, leading to inherent cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Further, due to multi-point, multi-type, and multi-layer features of CPPSs, the attackers may easily identify these cybersecurity vulnerabilities and hence launch malicious cyber-attacks. As a consequence, new cybersecurity issues may emerge from time to time as a price of the increasing digitalization of power systems and continual development of CPPSs.
As illustrated in

Fig. 1 Timeline of major attack events.
Cybersecurity methods of CPPSs have been intensively studied in the past decade, and review papers on these methods are summarized in
Characteristic | Conventional power system | CPPS |
Measurement | Electromagnetic meters | More two-way communication smart meters |
Communication | One-way communication between power systems and users | Two-way communication between power systems and users |
Power flow mode | Unidirectional power flow | Bi-directional power flow |
Control | Centralized control | Centralized and distributed control |
Topic | Reference | Content |
Attack detection |
[ | Analysis of false data injection attack and corresponding detection methods |
[ | Analysis of physics-based anomaly detection | |
[ | Analysis of attack detection methods | |
[ | Analysis of centralized and distributed attack detection methods | |
[ | Analysis of attack detection, estimation, and control for industrial CPPSs | |
[ | Analysis of attack detection based on deep learning | |
Attack defense |
[ | Analysis of prominent attack methods |
[ | Analysis of power systems against malicious attacks | |
[ | Security threats for smart metering infrastructure | |
[ | Security issues of advanced metering infrastructure | |
[ | Analysis of security requirements and attack defense methods | |
[ | Analysis of secure control for CPPSs |
This paper presents an overview of attack analysis, attack detection, and attack defense methods for CPPSs, and their challenges are elaborated in detail. The research framework of cyber-attacks on CPPSs is illustrated in

Fig. 2 Research framework of cyber-attacks on CPPSs.
The main ideas are as follows. When a system suffers from cyber-attacks, the impacts of cyber-attacks on CPPSs are firstly discussed. The characteristics of cyber-attacks are then analyzed, and the attack detection is implemented to diagnose and identify cyber-attacks. After the detection, different defense methods are proposed to guarantee safe operation of CPPSs. Different from the existing review papers, this paper focuses on the attack detection and cybersecurity defense of CPPSs.
Specifically, the rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section II presents the development and security risks of CPPSs. Section III presents the characteristics and impacts of cyber-attacks on CPPSs. The cyber-attack detection is presented in Section IV. For cyber-attack defense, a survey is conducted on the popular methods including active defense and passive defense methods in Section V. The conclusion and challenging issues are given in Section VI.
This section firstly analyzes the key factors that drive the rapid development of CPPSs, and compares CPPSs with conventional power systems. The evolution of CPPSs involves the deployment of new technologies, which also brings a number of security vulnerabilities.
There exist many factors that drive the rapid development of CPPSs, while the most influential ones include the rapid deployment of renewable generation technologies, the growing number of prosumers, and the mass roll-out of demand-side management technologies.
First of all, the biggest challenge facing sustainable development is climate change which is the most important drive for the transformational change of conventional energy structure to a low-carbon energy structure [
Further, considering the consumers’ expectations of increased power supply while meeting more strict legislations on both pollutant and carbon emissions. Utility grids are moving progressively to connect renewable generations as much as possible, so as to reduce the carbon footprint of power generation while meeting the growing public demands for both generation sustainability and more generation capacity. However, traditional solutions are difficult to cope with the increased complexities of the utility grid under the transition to a low-carbon system, the concept of CPPSs have then been proposed to offer a potential better framework to operate and control such a complex system. As the aggregation of advanced monitoring systems, home area networks, two-way communication, and remote control technology, CPPSs can enable the intelligent demand-side management (DSM) and offer a seemly integrated platform for the consumers to actively participate in the ancillary services of power systems through two-way interaction [
The emergence of CPPSs is to meet the needs for power system digitalization as well as more sustainable low-carbon power supply. In fact, CPPSs are power systems that can intelligently integrate the behavior of all stakeholders in the energy supply chain, so as to provide satisfactory power supply to the consumers [
Conventionally, power system is an one-way centralized system delivering the power from the generator set to the end users [

Fig. 3 Framework of CPPSs under multi-type attacks.
In general, CPPSs can maximize the reliability, availability, and efficiency of grid operation, bringing tangible benefits to the economy and the society as a while. A comprehensive comparison of two systems is presented in [
CPPSs are expected to bring a number of benefits to the operation and control of power systems with significant penetration of renewable generations at different voltage levels and to support the decarbonization of different sectors.
Many technical challenges, which are related not only to control and communication but also to real-time monitoring and management, need to be tackled such as real-time monitoring of demand-side power consumption changes, microgrid management, charging support of electric vehicles [
1) New CPPS technologies: in recent years, some new CPPS technologies [
To achieve efficient grid management, it is necessary to apply advanced smart meters and control technologies in smart grids at all levels. DSM is one of the efficient grid management technologies, which aims to lower the power demand by taking effective incentive and inducement measures and appropriate operation mode. It in turn avoids the cost of building new generators and transmission lines, saves customers’ money, and lowers the pollution from electric generators [
Furthermore, distributed energy resources (DERs) can be flexibly connected to smart grids, so that the power suppliers and the users can effectively manage energy utilization. For example, a current-controlled voltage-mode control method for dispatchable electronically coupled DER units is proposed, which can quickly stabilize the terminal voltage and frequency [
2) New features of CPPSs: the incorporation of these technologies into CPPSs brings many new features. As summarized in

Fig. 4 New features of CPPSs.
The first three are the basic features of CPPSs, “applicability” is the purpose of CPPSs, and “security” is the key step to ensure the reliable operation of CPPSs. These new features are vital for interacting with power consumers, meeting power quality requirements, and supporting modern electricity markets.
The large-scale structure and complex networked environment of CPPSs increase their complexities and vulnerabilities, giving the attackers new opportunities to launch malicious cyber-attacks. Therefore, security assessment can enable the defenders to better identify security vulnerabilities of CPPSs, thereby improving defense strategies.
Firstly, there are loopholes in CPPSs. For example, [
Secondly, the vulnerabilities of CPPSs will be greatly aggravated under malicious cyber-attacks. Therefore, the security assessment of CPPSs under cyber-attacks is also extremely important. An intrusion and defense model based on markov decision process (MDP) is proposed to evaluate the security of substations in the harsh network environment [
As cyber-attacks could pose a huge threat to CPPSs, it is essential to analyze these attacks in much more details. In this section, we firstly discuss the structure of CPPSs, and comprehensively analyze possible cyber-attacks to each network layer and extract their features. Then, we further analyze the specific impacts of different cyber-attacks on CPPSs.
According to propagation methods of cyber-attacks [

Fig. 5 Analysis of cyber-attack features.
Due to physical isolation of CPPSs from the external environment, the attackers need to break through the physical isolation and enter into the internal network firstly, before they can launch any cyber-attacks. At this stage, a popular method taken by the attackers is to use phishing emails to plant a back door in the system and breaks through physical isolation with an unintentional click by the operator. Another method is to search for vulnerabilities of physical isolation technology such as firewall security vulnerabilities, to break the protection barrier between the internal and external networks by using password cracking. Once having gained an access to the internal network, the attackers can attack physical devices and communication devices connected with the internal network in the smart grid. Then, the key features of cyber-attacks are summarized below.
1) Multi-point: multi-point means that the attacker can launch cyber-attacks by weakly protected/unprotected devices or nodes in power generation, transmission, distribution and consumption. For example, PMU is usually deployed in the 330 kV and above backbone network, and important power plants and substations. RTU is installed in power plant or substation, and IED is necessary for substation automation system. These smart measuring meters and devices with communication are connected to each other [
2) Multi-layer: multi-layer means that cyber-attacks can spread across different layers due to the high coupling among physical, cyber, and control layers. The above smart measuring meters and devices in physical layer are interconnected through wired/wireless networks, e.g., Ethernet [
3) Multi-type: multi-type means that the types of attacks against different devices are also heterogeneous. In the physical layer, the attackers can launch different cyber-attacks aiming at destructing physical devices such as measuring meters, protection devices, and so on [
4) Cross: it should be noted that the above three features are coupled with each other in
Therefore, extensive research works on the security of CPPSs have been conducted to hedge against attacks by analyzing the vulnerabilities and exploring reliable solutions, which are reviewed in Sections IV and V.
To better illustrate the characters of multi-type of cyber-attacks, we list several popular attack models such as FDIAs, replay attacks (RAs), and DoS.
The following linear discrete model of CPPSs [
(1) |
where and are the system state and measurement output vectors at the sampling instant, respectively; is the state transition matrix; is the Jacobian matrix; and and are the independent process and measurement noise, respectively. For system model in (1), three cyber-attacks are analyzed as follows.
1) FDIAs [
(2) |
where , represents the measuring meter is attacked, otherwise, ; and is the attack vector designed by the attackers.
2) RAs [
Sept 1: the attackers record the measured output for enough time without giving the system desired attacked control commands .
Sept 2: the attackers inject the desired attacked control commands into the system while replaying previously recorded data to eliminate the effects of the attack, which makes it difficult to detect.
The attack model is described as:
(3) |
where the subscript denote a large enough replaying period.
3) DoS: DoS means that the attackers continuously send forged packets on communication network channel, which makes the communication unavailable and the information cannot be exchanged normally. In this case, once the attackers successfully block the communication channel, will be lost. The corresponding model is usually described as:
(4) |
where is a diagonal matrix with elements 0 or 1, i.e., represents that the corresponding measurements are successfully transmitted, otherwise, .
The above three attack models are popular, and some literatures had done detailed research on these attack models, attack scenario, and specific detection methods, e.g., FDIA [
In summary, the diversity of attack methods is due to different vulnerabilities of CPPSs considered by the attackers. However, the essence of the attack method is the malicious manipulation of data on different devices with security vulnerabilities in CPPSs, including data tampering, e.g., FDIA and RA, and interruption of transmission, e.g., DoS.
As mentioned above, cyber-attacks pose a huge security threat to CPPSs. Recent research on cyber-attacks clearly indicates that the impact of cyber-attacks on CPPSs is increasing. Generally, the impacts of cyber-attacks include systems stability, i.e., the destructive behavior induced by the attackers can affect system stability such as cascading failure, and the economy, i.e., the profit-making of the attackers.
Cyber and physical layers of CPPSs are highly coupled, i.e., the control of power systems depends on communication networks, and the power supply of communication networks also relies on power systems, which brings unprecedented improvement and functionalities to power systems. However, such interdependent systems are also vulnerable to the failures, natural disasters, and especially cyber-attacks with the above features. When an attack occurs in an interdependent system, a failure caused by cyber-attacks in one network may cascade down to a dependent node in another network [
The cascading failures caused by cyber-attacks can affect the stable operation of power systems. The impacts on stable operation are related to misleading data and information after cyber-attacks successfully hack into CPPSs. For example, the attackers may implement unnecessary generation operation and load shedding by injecting false data [
The cascading failures caused by cyber-attacks can lead to wide-area blackouts, hence affecting the economy, which is also a major concern. Most of the attackers pursue some economic goals such as seeking for personal interests or being employed by hostile countries to influence the economic development of other countries. The economic impact of cyber-attacks can be summarized as follows.
Firstly, energy theft is a major target for many attackers. The attackers can modify the data in CPPSs or modify their own smart meter readings directly to pursue economic benefits. Both situations will bring illegal profits to the attackers [
Secondly, cyber-attacks may change grid topology and even generation plans, which eventually have a significant impact on grid operational cost. For example, the failures caused by cyber-attacks may cascade down interdependent systems, leading to large-scale outage [
In response to potential threats induced by cyber-attacks, many methods have been proposed for cyber-attack detection, and these can be categorized into two groups, e.g., model-based and machine learning based detection methods. Model-based detection method aims to quantify the changes of the internal state of the system under cyber-attacks, so as to achieve the purpose of attack detection. For the latter, machine learning based detection method is utilized to train the classifier for attack detection.
Model-based state estimation of power systems uses measurement sets and system models to estimate internal states, and they can be categorized as static and dynamic state estimation models. Traditional state estimation of power systems usually adopts static estimation methods [
State estimation based detection methods often have two steps: ① estimating or predicting the internal states of the system; and ② processing the measured state information, and comparing the differences based on various similarity tests.
Weighted least square (WLS) estimation is perhaps the most popular static state estimation method. It has been widely used in attack detection. For FDIA detection, WLS-based detection method is utilized to detect FDIA [
Compared with traditional static state estimation methods, dynamic state estimation methods are gaining more popularity in power systems. Kalman filter (KF) and its variants such as extended Kalman filter (EKF) and unscented Kalman filter (UKF) are among the most popular methods. The specific process of KF can be described as:
(5) |
(6) |
where the prior estimation state vector is the estimation at time instant by using the measurements up to time instant ; the posterior estimation state vector is the estimation at time instant by using measurements up to time instant ; and are the prior and posterior covariances of the estimation error, respectively; is the process noise covariance matrix; is the measurement noise covariance matrix; and is the Kalman gain.
The operation of KF includes the following two steps: ① a state prediction is built upon time update; and ② the updated measurement is used to modify the state prediction.
A number of extend detection methods have been proposed based on KF. For FDIA detection, a FDIA detection method is proposed by using KF [
Next, considering the error caused by the linearization of CPPS model, EKF and UKF are also proposed to achieve attack detection. For FDIA detection, according to successive batch-mode regression representation of EKF, a statistical outlier method based on S-estimator is implemented to detect FDIA [
To reduce the communication burden and computational complexity, a distributed Kalman filter (DKF) is proposed to achieve global accurate estimation. It has been widely used in attack detection. For FDIA detection, DKF is combined with blockchain technology to protect network databases and network communication channels from FDIA [
For FDIA detection, interval state estimation (ISE) is employed to carry out attack detection. An ISE combined with deep learning method is proposed to improve the detection accuracy for FDIA [
Moreover, KF selects the minimum linear variance gain as Kalman gain, while the optimal gain of unknown input observer (UIO) is obtained by pole configuration. In addition, UIO can take attack signals as unknown inputs and detect it by estimating attack signal [
Detection test is to detect cyber-attacks by processing the estimated state and comparing its similarity against actual measured value. The popular detection schemes can be grouped into the following categories [
Euclidean distance ( norm) detection test [
(7) |
where is the Euclidean distance detector, and means that the attacks are detected, otherwise; is the estimated value; is the norm of the difference; and is a prior threshold value, which is generally given by the experienced operators according to practical situations.
The largest normalized residual (LNR) detection test [
(8) |
where is covariance matrix of residual .
-detection test [
(9) |
where is the -detector; and is the objective function.
Cumulative sum (CUSUM) detection test [
(10) |
where is the collected measurement at time instant . This method is usually used to monitor the variations in the collected measurements.
Kullback-Leibler distance (KLD) detection test [
(11) |
where is the probability distribution of historical state changes; and is the probability distribution of the state changes at previous moment and current moment. This method uses probability distribution functions to detect cyber-attacks.
Cosine similarity detection test [
(12) |
where the numerator in (12) is dot product of vectors and ; and the denominator denotes the product of their euclidean lengths. When there are no cyber-attacks, is equal to ; and the prior thresholds is discussed in [
Different from the aforementioned state estimation based detection method, machine learning based detection method does not need mathematical model of physical system, and it completely depends on historical data of the system under test. Machine learning is an interdisciplinary field of statistics, artificial intelligence, and computer science, which can be used to extract the knowledge from data. Machine learning methods can be utilized for classification and regression. The essence of regression is to realize numerical prediction, which has been widely applied to power system load forecasting. The classification is to divide the predicted values into specific categories, and cyber-attack detection is a typical classification task. For example, we can use historical data to train a machine learning based classifier, which is then utilized to detect abnormal changes in the data for identifying potential cyber-attacks in CPPSs. In general, machine learning based detection methods include the following three categories: supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning methods.
Generally, the users provide paired input and expected output, i.e., , to train the method, so that the method will give the expected output according to the given input. For attack detection, the expected output describes whether there is an attack or not. For FDIA detection, linear regression (LR) is employed to detect FDIA by comparing the difference between the measurement vector and model predictions based on historical data [
In addition to the aforementioned methods, as an extremely popular tool, artificial neural network (ANN) has also been widely used for classification and prediction. The ANN model could be a simple feedforward neural network (FNN) or a deep neural network (DNN). Their model can be obtained by the optimization problem, which can be solved by different local and global methods such as gradient based search techniques [
UL refers to learning some useful patterns from unlabeled data, i.e., learning valuable information such as effective features, categories, and structures directly from the original data without any manual guidance such as tags or feedback. For cyber-attacks, the classes of abnormal data are different from normal data. For FDIA detection, K-means clustering (KMC) is employed to achieve FDIA detection [
SSL is also an important branch of machine learning. It falls between supervised learning and UL and uses both labeled and unlabeled data to fit the model. This method is also widely utilized in attack detection. For FDIA detection, a semi-supervised adversarial autoencoder (SSAA) based method is proposed to detect FDIA [
Finally, state estimation based detection method versus machine learning based detection method is shown in

Fig. 6 State estimation based detection method versus machine learning based detection method. (a) State estimation based detection method. (b) Machine learning based detection method.
Category | Method | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Static |
WLS [ |
① Low time complexity ② High implementation |
① Low estimation accuracy ② Low suitability for large system |
Dynamic |
Centralized: KF [ UKF [ |
① High estimation accuracy ② High applicability to nonlinear models ③ High detection rate |
① High time complexity ② Easy divergence |
Distributed: DKF [ UIO [ |
① High estimation accuracy ② High suitability for large systems ③ High detection rate |
① High time complexity ② Easy local optimization |
Category | Method | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Supervised |
LR [ |
① System models are not required ② Known attack detection is fast |
① Data set with label is required ② New attack detection is not applicable |
Unsupervised |
KMC [ |
① System models are not required ② New attack detection is applicable | Large number of training is required |
Semi-supervised |
① System models are not required ② Known attack detection is fast ③ New attack detection is applicable | Unlabeled data are extensively trained |
To further improve the security of CPPSs and reduce the threat of cyber-attacks, many corresponding defense strategies have been developed based on the aforementioned attack detection methods. Similar to the aforementioned detection methods, the defense methods can be grouped into two categories: ① active defense methods, aiming at eliminating the possibility of any successful cyber-attacks; and ② passive defense methods, quickly locating and isolating the attacked locations and taking appropriate measures to ensure the normal operation of CPPSs when cyber-attacks are successfully launched.
From the previous analysis of cyber-attacks, it is evident that three features of cyber-attacks, including multi-point, multi-type, and multi-layer, bring challenges to attack defense. Moreover, due to the limited defense resources, the common active defense strategies often select a limited number of specific facilities for protection to achieve the best defense effect.
For FDIA defense, a hidden moving target defense (HMTD) method is proposed to maintain power flow, which prevents FDIA intrusion by changing the susceptance of transmission lines [
Different from active defense methods, the primary goal of passive defense methods is to locate and isolate the attacked nodes as quickly as possible, and to take the corresponding attack-tolerant measures for reducing the damage caused by cyber-attacks.
In general, attack detection can be performed simultaneously with isolation. For FDIA defense, a prediction-based attack isolation method is proposed [
Based on the above cyber-attack location and isolation methods, certain attack tolerant technologies also need to be utilized to ensure the stable operation of CPPSs. Attack tolerant technologies are quite similar to the fault tolerant control. In general, the fault tolerant control adopts the corresponding control measures for different fault sources to ensure normal operation of the equipment before or after the equipment failure, or the equipment can still perform basic functions within the specified time at the cost of sacrificing the performance loss. Similar to the fault tolerant control described above, attack tolerance technologies also have the similar features. However, this research work is still at its infancy, and only a very limited results have been reported so far, hence deserving further exploration.
For FDIA defense, a parametric feedback linearization (PFL) control is proposed to achieve the stability of power systems under FDIA [
Finally, Table V is a summary of the aforementioned cyber-attack defense methods, including their advantages and disadvantages.
Category | Reference | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Active defense |
HMDT [ GT-based [ DAD model-based [ |
① Low utilization of defense resources ② Simple operation for defender |
① Inconsistency between attacked and protected objects ② Imbalance between attack resources and defense resources on the same target |
Passive defense |
VAR [ ETM [ PFL [ ADMM [ |
① Fast location of attacked nodes ② Normal operation of system under attack |
① Easy to incorrectly isolate safe nodes ② Prone to attack-tolerance delay ③ Easy to exacerbate the instability of system |
Due to the landscape change of power systems and the increased utilization of new ICTs, attack detection and defense for CPPSs have become a research hotspot in the recent years. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review in regards to cybersecurity of CPPSs and three key methods, including attack analysis, attack detection, and attack defense, are discussed in detail. The attack defense has gained substantial attention in the academic community, and a range of detection and defense methods have been proposed. However, there still exist several unsolved open problems in this area, which are summarized as follows.
1) Holistic design of CPPSs: with the support of modern communication resources and technology, CPPSs integrate various physically dispersed computing and control resources to provide system support for core tasks, resulting in significantly improved capacity to solve more complex problems than ever before. Compared with the conventional power systems, CPPSs promote the goals such as intelligent resource allocation and energy management through the integration of communication, computation, and control. Based on this, ICTs can quickly and effectively provide supports for control tasks at a global scale, guaranteeing the feasibility and effectiveness of the global optimization and regulation of CPPSs. However, it also brings more challenges and difficulties to its security control and defense. Therefore, the design and planning of CPPSs should not only consider the development of resource strategic plans, the characteristics of consumers, and the dynamic operation characteristics of power systems, but also the holistic design of security defense mechanism to further strengthen the distributed, interactive, and dynamic features of CPPSs.
2) The gaming between attackers and defenders: the relationship between the attackers and defenders is also worth exploring. For the defenders, it is necessary to ensure the security of CPPSs as much as possible by analyzing and evaluating the vulnerability of CPPSs and configuring the limited defense resources. For the attackers, identifying the weakest point in power systems is the main target. From the perspective of GT, the above behaviors of the attackers and defenders can be modeled by a static zero-sum game. However, in actual situations, the attackers may not know the defense strategies partially or fully, and the defenders may also know nothing about the attack strategies. Therefore, in the case of information asymmetry, investigating the interactions of the attackers and defenders is an interesting topic. Moreover, multiple defenders and multiple attackers may be involved. Thus, it is necessary to investigate dynamic gaming such as Markov games, to describe the process of dynamic interactions between the attackers and defenders.
3) Analysis of new attacks mechanism: with the significantly increasing intelligence of CPPSs, more security vulnerabilities are also identified, offering new opportunities for attackers. Meanwhile, with the continuous update of cyber-attacks means, novel cyber-attacks against CPPSs emerge endlessly. By analyzing the vulnerability of system detection mechanisms, the attackers can build covert attacks to bypass common detection mechanism such as the popular FDIA. Moreover, due to the high coupling between cyber layer and physical layer of CPPSs, any small fault caused by the attacks may propagate rapidly due to the strong coupling of dual networks and may result in more frequent large-scale blackouts, seriously endangering the security, stability, and economic operation of CPPSs. Therefore, the analysis of the attack mechanism and cascading failure is one of the research trends that deserve further investigation.
4) Detection and defense based on physical mechanism: the current attack detection methods are still limited. The state estimation based detection methods can only detect specific cyber-attacks, and their generalization is poor. In practical applications, it is desirable to develop the detection methods independent of system models and parameters. The machine learning based detection methods can only detect the existing cyber-attacks, but they have difficulties in meeting the needs against the endless novel cyber-attacks. However, multi-type cyber-attacks designed by the attackers always directly or indirectly affect physical properties of power systems. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze physical properties based on physical mechanism of the systems, and to develop the detection methods that can be easily scaled up. Further, most research works only focus on attack detection, while there are limited preventive measures. In general, whether an attacker can compromise a device in reality depends on the level of protection that the defender has deployed on the device. Therefore, it is worth considering which devices shall be protected and how many layers of protection shall be deployed so that no state variables can be altered by the attackers. Besides, a limited number of research works have studied attack location and isolation, which is very important for the defenders to take the corresponding attack-tolerance methods for ensuring the normal operation of the system under cyber-attacks. CPPSs are required to have fault-tolerance and attack-tolerance, which can ensure that it can still operate normally in extreme cases. Therefore, it is important for the defenders to utilize the fault-tolerant control to enhance the robustness of CPPSs.
5) Verification and application of attack/defense strategies: most of the existing literatures primarily focus on theoretical investigation. However, the practical applications are limited. To investigate the practicality of these methods, microgrid has attracted much attention. Through the PCC, microgrid is connected with the distribution system as a complementary controllable subsystem to the main grid. Microgrids therefore can enhance the overall control performance of the system during grid-connected mode, achieving the coordinated operation of microgrid and the main grid. When microgrid is in islanded operation mode, it can also meet the power quality requirements of local users, ensure the reliable operation of loads, avoid the negative impact of distributed generation on power systems, and thus play an important role in supporting the distribution network.
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