We consider a power system whose electric demand pertaining to freshwater production is high (high freshwater electric demand), as in the Middle East, and investigate the tradeoff of storing freshwater in tanks versus storing electricity in batteries at the day-ahead operation stage. Both storing freshwater and storing electricity increase the actual electric demand at valley hours and decrease it at peak hours, which is generally beneficial in term of cost and reliability. But, to what extent? We analyze this question considering three power systems with different generation-mix configurations, i.e., a thermal-dominated mix, a renewable-dominated one, and a fully renewable one. These generation-mix configurations are inspired by how power systems may evolve in different countries in the Middle East. Renewable production uncertainty is compactly modeled using chance constraints. We draw conclusions on how both storage facilities (freshwater and electricity) complement each other to render an optimal operation of the power system.
Feasibility set regarding minimum-up time and minimum-down time for gas unit
Gas units in reliability region
Battery units at node
Wind units at node
Pumps at node
Gas units at node
Photovoltaic (PV) units at node
Electric demands not related to freshwater production at node
Wind units
Electrical nodes and transmission lines
Reliability regions
Receiving-end and sending-end nodes of line
Gas units
PV units
Electric demands not related to freshwater production
Production cost of gas unit ($/MWh)
No-load cost of gas unit ($/h)
Load-shedding cost of electric demand ($/MWh)
Operation cost of PV unit ($/MWh)
Shut-down cost of gas unit ($/h)
Start-up cost of gas unit ($/h)
Operation cost of wind unit ($/MWh)
Ramp-up and ramp-down limits of gas unit (MW/h)
Start-up and shut-down ramp limits of gas unit (MW/h)
Charging and discharging efficiencies of battery (p.u.)
Hourly average of forecast power output of PV unit (MW)
Hourly average of forecast power output of wind unit (MW)
Hourly standard deviation of power output of PV unit (MW)
Hourly standard deviation of power output of wind unit (MW)
Security level
Inverse cumulative distribution function of standard normal distribution
Energy capacity of battery (MWh)
The minimum energy content of battery (MWh)
Capacity of line (MW)
Susceptance of line (S)
Charging capacity of battery (MW)
Discharging capacity of battery (MW)
The minimum power output of gas unit (MW)
Capacity of gas unit (MW)
Load of electric demand during hour (MW)
Reserve requirement in region during hour (MW)
Total time (hour)
Voltage angle of node during hour (rad)
State-of-charge (SOC) of battery at the end of hour (MWh)
Power flow through line during hour (MW)
Charging power to battery during hour (MW)
Discharging power from battery during hour (MW)
Power output of gas unit during hour (MW)
The maximum power output of gas unit during hour (MW)
Load shed from electric demand during hour (MW)
Power output of PV unit during hour (MW)
Power output of wind unit during hour (MW)
0-1 variable (equal to 1 if gas unit is on, and 0 otherwise)
0-1 variable (equal to 1 if gas unit is shut down at the beginning of hour , and 0 otherwise)
0-1 variable (equal to 1 if gas unit is started up at the beginning of hour , and 0 otherwise)
Feasibility set regarding freshwater production for desalination plant
Desalination plants at node
Freshwater demands at node
Freshwater tanks at node
Desalination plants, freshwater nodes, and pipelines
Pipeline associated with pump
Freshwater demands, freshwater tanks, and pumps
Receiving-end and sending-end nodes of pipeline
Unserved-freshwater cost of demand ($/)
Performance parameters of pump (p.u.)
Efficiency of pump (p.u.)
Unit weight of freshwater ()
Freshwater requirement of demand during hour (/h)
The maximum inflow to freshwater tank (/h)
The maximum outflow from freshwater tank (/h)
Capacity of pipeline ()
Freshwater capacity of desalination plant ()
The minimum pressure head of freshwater at node (m)
The maximum pressure head of freshwater at node (m)
Elevation head of freshwater at node (m)
Capacity of pump (MW)
Resistance of pipeline
Capacity of tank ()
The minimum freshwater volume of tank ()
Relative angular speed of pump (p.u.)
Unserved freshwater of demand during hour (/h)
Inflow to freshwater tank during hour ()
Outflow from freshwater tank during hour ()
Freshwater flow through pipeline during hour ()
Freshwater output of desalination plant during hour ()
Head rise of freshwater by pump during hour (m)
Friction loss of pipeline during hour (m)
Pressure head of freshwater at node during hour (m)
Power demand of pump during hour (MW)
Freshwater volume of tank at the end of hour ()
THE increasing demand for freshwater and the limited availability of freshwater resources in arid areas have resulted in the installation of an increasing number of desalination plants. This is the case in most countries in the Middle East, where desalination is the main source of freshwater. Specifically, each day, 48% of the 95000000
In this paper, we consider a power system with high freshwater electric demand, that is, a power system whose electric demand pertaining to freshwater production is high (as in the Middle East), and investigate the tradeoff of storing freshwater in tanks versus storing electricity in batteries at the scheduling stage (one day in advance). We note that desalination plants consume almost solely electricity to produce freshwater out of salty water.
Freshwater storage shifts the electrical load by storing freshwater for later use and has the potential to do this at a massive and centralized scale. This process resembles thermal storage but at the bulk level: while thermal storage has generally a local and small-scale impact, freshwater storage at the bulk level has the potential to alter the scheduling and functioning of a power system that contains an important freshwater system.
Particularly, filling up freshwater tanks during hours of excess of electricity and reducing production level of freshwater during hours of high electric demand is beneficial economically and in terms of reliability. Similarly, charging batteries with excess electrical energy during hours when electric demand is low and discharging batteries during hours when electric demand is high lead to economic and reliability benefits. But, what is the best combination of storing freshwater in tanks versus storing electricity in batteries?
Although it is clear that building freshwater tanks is generally cheaper than installing electrical batteries, these two storage mechanisms complement each other. Our work seeks to point out and analyze this cross-effect. To study this cross-effect, we examine three power systems with different generation-mix configurations, i.e., a thermal-dominated mix, a renewable-dominated one, and a fully renewable one. These generation-mix configurations are inspired on how power systems may evolve in different countries in the Middle East.
Besides, renewable production uncertainty, which is the most important, is compactly modeled using chance constraints, which are transformed into deterministic conditions for computational simplicity [
We perform simulations using the IEEE 118-bus system [
Reference [
A day-ahead economic scheduling problem for power, gas, and freshwater systems, while considering wind power output uncertainties, is studied in [
A power-freshwater system with uncertain renewable power production is studied in [
A day-ahead scheduling problem for a power-freshwater system is considered in [
A mixed-integer nonlinear programming model for the operation of a distribution-level power-freshwater system is developed in [
A mixed-integer nonlinear programming model for the joint power-freshwater system with wind production uncertainty is reported in [
In [
To the best of our knowledge, no study in the literature considers the day-ahead scheduling problem for a bulk power system (spanning a country or region) taking into account renewable uncertainties and including a detailed description of freshwater production and transportation. In this context, with the target of analyzing the tradeoff of storing freshwater in tanks versus storing electricity in batteries, we propose a model that includes detailed descriptions of the operation of the power system and the production and transportation of freshwater, and consider the uncertainties of PV and wind units.
Considering the above literature review and the proposed model, the contributions of this paper are as follows.
1) An accurate mathematical description of a power system (at the bulk level) is provided with freshwater production and transportation constraints, while representing renewable uncertainties.
2) The impacts of increasing renewable penetration on the operation of the power system and the production of freshwater are studied.
3) The daily operation of freshwater tanks and electric batteries as the renewable penetration increases is specifically compared.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II develops a model for the day-ahead scheduling of a power system with a detailed description of freshwater production and transportation. Section III investigates three case studies involving different renewable penetration levels and using the IEEE 118-bus system and two freshwater systems. Finally, Section IV provides conclusions.
In this section, we formulate and characterize the power system considered: a power system that includes large electric demands pertaining to freshwater production and transportation and that we denote as “power-freshwater system”. A general diagram of this system is depicted in

Fig. 1 Diagram of power-freshwater system.
The objective considered is to minimize the power system operation cost one day in advance considering hourly steps. We note that the operation cost of producing and transporting freshwater is the amount of electrical energy consumed by pumps and desalination plants. This is translated in the objective function below:
(1) |
The objective function (1) is composed of eight terms: ① is the generation cost of all gas units, ② is the no-load cost of all gas units, ③ is the start-up cost of all gas units, ④ is the shut-down cost of all gas units, ⑤ is the generation cost of all wind units, ⑥ is the generation cost of all PV units, ⑦ is the unserved-energy cost of all electric demands, and ⑧ is the unserved-freshwater cost of all freshwater demands.
The specific constraints of the power system are stated as:
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
(15) |
(16) |
(17) |
(18) |
(19) |
(20) |
(21) |
Constraints (2) and (3) are the deterministic chance constraints for uncertain wind and PV power outputs, respectively. Constraint (4) calculates the state-of-charge (SOC) of batteries at the end of hour . Constraints (5)-(7) impose bounds on the charging rate, discharging rate, and SOC of batteries, respectively, during all hours. Constraint (8) ensures the availability of sufficient energy in batteries for next day [
The specific constraints regarding the production and transportation of freshwater are stated below. The freshwater system comprises desalination plants, pumps, pipelines, tanks, and demands [
As it is customary in short-term studies, we assume that the pump scheduling states are known and freshwater flows in single direction through pumps. These assumptions are justified in [
(22) |
(23) |
(24) |
(25) |
(26) |
(27) |
(28) |
(29) |
(30) |
(31) |
(32) |
(33) |
(34) |
(35) |
(36) |
(37) |
(38) |
Constraint (22) calculates the freshwater levels in freshwater tanks for each hour. At the beginning of the planning horizon, constraint (22) is , where is the freshwater level of tank at the end of . Constraint (23) enforces the freshwater levels of freshwater tanks at the end of the planning horizon to be equal to their respective levels at the beginning of the planning horizon. This policy ensures that enough freshwater is available at the beginning of the next day. Constraints (24)-(26) limit freshwater levels, inflow levels, and outflow levels of freshwater tanks, respectively. Constraint (27) represents the supply-demand balance at each node of the freshwater system. Constraints (28) and (29) represent the nodal head pressures for all pipelines and pumps in the freshwater system, respectively [
The optimization variables of the daily scheduling problem (1)-(38) regarding power and freshwater are given in (39) and (40), respectively:
(39) |
(40) |
We note that the daily scheduling model of power-freshwater system above is a mixed-integer nonlinear problem due to freshwater constraints (33)-(36). We linearize these constraints using standard piecewise linearization techniques for functions of one and two variables, as described in [
We consider three case studies based on the IEEE 118-bus system linked to two 13-node freshwater systems, as shown in

Fig. 2 Schematic of IEEE 118-bus system.
1) Case 1: 10 PV units with a capacity of 5 GW, 17 wind units with a capacity of 5.1 GW, and 54 gas units with a capacity of 12 GW constitute the generation mix. Hence, the percentage of the renewable () capacity to the total capacity in this case is equal to 45%. No batteries are considered in this case.
2) Case 2: to create a renewable-dominated system, we decrease the capacity of the gas units to 4.41 GW, while increasing the capacity of PV unit to 14.5 GW. The capacity of wind units is kept at the same level. The renewable penetration level in this case is equal to 81%. Further, 27 batteries are incorporated in the power system. The power and energy capacities of all batteries are 10.8 GW and 108 GWh, respectively.
3) Case 3: to create a fully renewable power system, we suppress gas units, and increase the PV capacity to 20.0 GW. The capacity of wind unit is kept at the same level. Additionally, we increase the number of batteries to 33. The power and energy capacities of all batteries are 13.2 GW and 132 GWh, respectively.
The total capacity of freshwater tank remains unchanged across the three cases above.
We note that we do not solve an expansion planning problem here, but use reasonable power capacity values for each of the three cases described above.
Moreover, investing in freshwater tanks is generally cheaper than installing electrical batteries and thus, from an investment point of view, the rule “invest in water tanks as long as an economic incentive exists” is applied. However, the freshwater tanks solely impact the demand pertaining to freshwater, not other demands, and thus electrical batteries might be beneficial regarding these other demands. Nevertheless, both impacts are related through the power system and analyzing the interaction of these two impacts is the purpose of this paper, which focuses on operation.
We report the operation outcomes of the power-freshwater system in these three cases with particular attention to the tradeoff of storing freshwater in tanks versus storing electricity in batteries.
The considered IEEE power system comprises 118 buses and 186 lines. It includes 91 demands not associated with the two freshwater systems. As shown in
The first freshwater system [

Fig. 3 Schematic of 13-node freshwater system.
An additional identical freshwater system 2, connected at different nodes, is also considered. The second desalination plant is connected to the power system at node 14, the pump in the first pipeline at node 15, and the third pump at node 18.
Freshwater node data, pipeline data, freshwater storage tank data, and freshwater demand data are provided in [
A macOS Catalina-based laptop with an 8-Core Intel Core i9 processor clocking at 2.30 GHz and 32 GB of RAM is used for the simulations reported below.
The linearized version of the day-ahead power-freshwater scheduling problem (1)-(38) is solved using GUROBI [
Case | Cost ($) | Computation time (min) |
Case 1 | 1927388 | 72.58 |
Case 2 | 1312510 | 20.40 |
Case 3 | 723684 | 58.72 |
The solution outcomes obtained using the proposed linearization is accurate enough (within an 5% error bound) and can be asymptotically improved by increasing linearization segments (one variable) and linearization triangles (two variables).
From the simulations carried out, we can conclude that the resulting MILP model is robust and numerically stable.
The power outputs of renewable units at the different penetration levels are depicted in

Fig. 4 Power outputs of renewable units. (a) Case 1. (b) Case 2. (c) Case 3.
We examine below the results obtained in Cases 1-3 considered and highlight important differences between them.

Fig. 5 Freshwater demand and production.
In Case 1, the total freshwater output of all desalination plants (lower subplot) is constant at 118684
From this figure, we observe that the total output of the desalination plant is closer to the PV plant operation in Case 2. This is because the PV unit starts producing nonzero power during hour 8, gradually increases its output to its peak during hour 11, and then gradually decreases to zero again during hour 19. Consequently, the desalination plant operation follows the PV unit operation to a greater extent as the renewable penetration increases. Moreover, the peak production of the desalination plants in Case 3 is lower than that in Case 2, and that in Case 2 is lower than that in Case 1. In particular, the peak of desalination plants is about 1% lower in Case 2 than that in Case 1, and 4% lower in Case 3 than in Case 2. Increasing the penetration level of the renewable units in this case reduces the peak output of the desalination plants.

Fig. 6 Freshwater volume in freshwater tanks.
In this part, we consider Cases 2 and 3 (no batteries in Case 1).

Fig. 7 Total stored energy in all batteries.
We observe that batteries charge/discharge higher levels of energy as the renewable penetration level increases. As expected, increasing renewable capacity and reducing thermal capacity necessitate high deployment of batteries.
On the one hand, batteries discharge 9.471 GWh of energy during hours 0-7 in Case 2 and 27.764 GWh during the same hours in Case 3. Hence, the discharging energy of the batteries is lower by 65.89% in Case 2 as compared with Case 3. On the other hand, batteries charge 60.935 GWh of energy during hours 8-18 in Case 3 but 28.239 GWh during the same hour in Case 2. Therefore, the charging energy of batteries is lower by 53.66% in Case 2 as compared with Case 3. From the above, we observe that the utilization of batteries during an operation cycle increases as the renewable capacity increases.
Besides, the operation of batteries is closely related to the operation of the renewable units. Specifically, the batteries discharge energy during hours 0-7 when the PV units are offline, and store energy during hours 8-18 when the PV units are online. Finally, they discharge energy at the end of the planning horizon when the PV units are offline. The operation pattern of the batteries follows the operation pattern of the PV units instead of that of the wind units owing to the higher capacity of PV units in the case studies analyzed.
Additionally, batteries are highly utilized during an operation cycle. For example, in Case 3, the minimum level of stored energy is 38235 MWh, whereas its maximum level is 102370 MWh. That is, the ratio of the peak level to the minimum level is about 2.68.
We assess the performance of freshwater tanks and batteries in terms of their usage levels. Regarding batteries, we calculate the incremental change of the total energy content for all cases, as shown in

Fig. 8 Incremental changes in freshwater tanks and batteries.
In Case 1, we note that the freshwater tanks are intensively charging/discharging freshwater. The median of the incremental changes of the freshwater tanks is 12.12%. The corresponding medians of Cases 2 and 3 are 12.83% and 14.2%, respectively. The lower and upper quartiles of Case 1 are 4.45% and 15.07%, respectively. Those values in Case 2 are 5.90% and 17.06%, respectively, whereas those in Case 3 are 7.24% and 17.99%, respectively. We observe that all of the above statistical values in Case 2 are larger than those in Case 1, and those in Case 3 are larger than those in Case 2. Hence, the usage extent of freshwater tanks increase as the renewable penetration increases.
Overall, the incremental changes of freshwater tanks are larger than those of batteries. In particular, the medians of the incremental changes of the SOC content in Cases 2 and 3 are 3.30% and 7.09%, respectively. Comparing these two medians (3.30% and 7.09%) associated with incremental changes of batteries with those of freshwater tanks, we observe that those medians of freshwater tanks are about 4 and 2 times higher than those of batteries in Cases 2 and 3, respectively. As expected, the usage extent of the freshwater tanks is higher than that of the batteries due to their higher efficiency.
We analyze below the impact on production cost (objective function) of limited capacity of freshwater tanks versus limited storage capacity in batteries.
To this end, we systematically reduce capacity of freshwater tank until constraint (24) becomes binding during some hours while not binding during most hours. Similarly, we gradually reduce battery capacity until constraint (7) becomes binding during some hours. Particularly, we consider Case 3 and reduce the total freshwater tank capacity from 800000 to 769000

Fig. 9 Shadow prices of capacity constraints for a specific freshwater tank and a specific battery.
We observe that marginally increasing the capacity of freshwater tanks has less impact on the objective function (production cost) than marginally increasing the storage capacity in batteries. Expansion decisions, though, need to be made considering the investment cost of expanding tank capacity versus the investment cost of expanding battery energy capacity. This is, though, beyond the scope of this paper.
We note that the purpose of this part is to analyze the impact of having storage capacity (of both batteries and freshwater tanks) just “at the limit”. That is, having a storage capacity that most of the time is not binding, but binding is during some hours. In such circumstances, we analyze the cost consequences of these binding constraints (that occur during few hours), and find that binding battery capacity has higher cost impact than binding tank capacity.
We examine below the impacts of decreasing the battery/tank capacity on the total operation cost.
Regarding Case 1, if we reduce the tank capacity by 20%, the operation cost would increase by 0.02%. This value is close to the solver tolerance, which means that the impact is negligible in this case.
Regarding Case 2, if we reduce the tank capacity by 20%, the operation cost increases by 0.18%, and if we reduce the battery capacity by 20%, it increases by 10.43%. In the case of reducing both tank and battery capacities by 20%, the total cost increases by 10.60%. We note that these cost increments add linearly.
Regarding Case 3, if we reduce the tank capacity by 20%, the operation cost increases by 0.01%, and if we reduce the battery capacity by 20%, the power demand needs to be curtailed. In the case of reducing both tank and battery capacities by 20%, the power demand needs to be curtailed as well.
As expected, a decrement in battery capacity has a larger impact on operation cost than the same decrement in tank capacity. We also note that no unserved water occurs, but power demand needs to be curtailed.
In this paper, we consider the operation of three power systems that have different renewable configurations: moderate renewable penetration, high renewable penetration, and full renewable penetration. Each of these systems includes a large power demand due to freshwater production and transportation. In the three configurations, freshwater can be stored in water tanks in bulk quantities to shift the electric demand, and for the last two configurations, electrical batteries are available to facilitate renewable integration and system operation. Extensive numerical simulation allows us to have the following conclusions.
1) The higher the renewable penetration, the higher the usage of batteries and the higher the usage of freshwater tanks.
2) As the renewable penetration increases, the peak electric demand and the peak water demand decrease because of storage (of freshwater and electricity) usage.
3) The per-hour change of freshwater content in tanks is larger than the per-hour change in the energy content of batteries. This is because the overall efficiency of freshwater tanks is higher than that of batteries.
4) A marginal increase in battery capacity generally has a larger impact on the production cost than a marginal increase in freshwater-tank capacity.
5) Freshwater tanks solely impact freshwater power demand, but electrical batteries impact all power demands. It is important to note that both impacts are related through the power system operation.
On the other hand, considering the three renewable configurations, the proposed MILP model is adequately accurate and computationally robust, and it can be solved in a reasonable amount of time.
Regarding the piecewise linearization, we use breakpoints and evaluate the nonlinear function at these breakpoints (). We then approximate the function value at point using a convex combination of the function values at the vertices of the line segment containing point .
The triangular linearization technique is an extension of the one-dimensional piecewise linearization technique [

Fig. B1 Triangle linearization.
In turn, we approximate the function value at point using the convex combination of the function values at vertices of the upper left (or lower right) triangle containing point .
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