As renewable energy continues to be integrated into the grid, energy storage has become a vital technique supporting power system development. To effectively promote the efficiency and economics of energy storage, centralized shared energy storage (SES) station with multiple energy storage batteries is developed to enable energy trading among a group of entities. In this paper, we propose the optimal operation with dynamic partitioning strategy for the centralized SES station, considering the day-ahead demands of large-scale renewable energy power plants. We implement a multi-entity cooperative optimization operation model based on Nash bargaining theory. This model is decomposed into two subproblems: the operation profit maximization problem with energy trading and the leasing payment bargaining problem. The distributed alternating direction multiplier method (ADMM) is employed to address the subproblems separately. Simulations reveal that the optimal operation with a dynamic partitioning strategy improves the tracking of planned output of renewable energy entities, enhances the actual utilization rate of energy storage, and increases the profits of each participating entity. The results confirm the practicality and effectiveness of the strategy.
ENERGY storage, as a fundamental technology, plays a pivotal role in the transformation of the modern power systems, holding immense importance in the seamless integration of energy sources, power networks, and electricity consumption. It actively promotes the transition to greener energy and the mitigation of extreme events, ensures energy security, advances high-quality energy development, and aligns with climate change objectives. Currently, energy storage facilities in diverse application scenarios are primarily constructed and invested by power generation companies, grid operators, and end-users worldwide. However, existing energy storage systems on the power source, grid, or user sides predominantly serve individual entities [
The development of SES has garnered significant attention across various research fields, with three primary areas of interest, i.e., control, scheduling, and planning of SES. In terms of control, current methodologies primarily aim to enhance the stability of power systems integrated with renewable energy through SES, which includes providing primary frequency response [
Large-scale centralized SES stations currently employ a fixed capacity allocation method [
1) The optimal operation with a dynamic partitioning strategy is proposed for the centralized SES station to improve the utilization rates and economic benefits. The capacity of centralized SES stations is dynamically allocated and leased based on the standardized SES unit for renewable energy entities.
2) The Nash bargaining model is used to achieve cooperative bilateral energy trading in the renewable energy and SES entities with dynamic partitioning. The Nash bargaining problem is decomposed into an energy-trading subproblem and a leasing payment bargaining subproblem for energy trading and operation profits.
3) The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the operation with a dynamic partitioning strategy, which improves the actual utilization rate and economic benefits in the tracking of planned output of renewable energy power plants and ultimately achieves a win-win situation for all involved entities.
The rest of this paper are organized as follows. Section II presents the dynamic partitioning strategy for SES. Section III presents the multi-entity operation Nash bargaining model. Section IV delineates the optimization operation solution for two subproblems based on the distributed alternating direction multiplier method (ADMM) algorithm. In Section V, case studies and results are performed to verify the effects of the strategy, particularly the efficiency and economy of SES. Finally, Section VI concludes this paper.
Large-scale energy storage stations consist of multiple energy storage battery units in parallel, forming an MW-level energy storage system. We refer to such an energy storage station as a large-scale centralized SES station. The dynamic partitioning strategy for SES proposed in this paper allocates the energy storage station into independently operated zones based on the demands of the participating entities. These entities may include wind and PV power plants, as illustrated in

Fig. 1 Dynamic partitioning strategy and standardized SES unit for centralized SES station.
To utilize the centralized SES station more flexibly, we adopt the dynamic partitioning strategy. Standardized SES units are composed of energy storage battery cabinets and power conversion systems (PCSs). They are organized based on the actual operation structure of the power station, forming standardized SES units with a capacity of 5 MW/10 MWh each, which are connected to the 35 kV busbars and possess the capability to receive and execute control commands independently. The dynamic partitioning strategy and standardized SES unit for centralized SES station are shown in
When renewable energy power plants make use of centralized SES stations, the storage capacity becomes a critical factor in defining the range of energy storage allocated by these plants. Various output ranges directly influence the optimization possibilities for integrating renewable energy power plants. Employing a fixed partitioning strategy for SES presents several challenges, including limited flexibility and constrained regulation capabilities.
The dynamic partitioning strategy for the centralized SES station allows for hourly adjustments and is not limited to fixed users. The strategy empowers the centralized SES station to allocate its capacity more economically and efficiently. This, in turn, provides sufficient energy storage capacity for participating in the electricity market to generate profits and meet the demands of renewable energy entities. Moreover, renewable energy entities can lease energy storage capacity with greater flexibility. This enhanced flexibility unlocks the full potential of energy storage, mitigating the challenges associated with individually configuring energy storage capacity for renewable energy power plants. This strategy expands the range of applications for energy storage, reduces investment costs for renewable energy power plants, and directly boosts energy storage revenue.
The dynamic partitioning strategy for the centralized SES station is determined by the specific demands of renewable energy entities at the beginning of each day. In this process, the centralized SES station collects day-ahead demand data from these entities and then dynamically allocates the standardized SES units based on their anticipated capacity requirements. The quantities of day-ahead usage plan of standardized SES units for each entity are determined. The centralized SES station receives the predicted output curve and aligns it with the planned output curve during the next 24-hour scheduling period. The quantity of standardized SES units is dynamically adjusted, and capacities are allocated accordingly. Subsequently, each entity uses the allocated dynamic zones to optimize the charging and discharging scheduling of the SES throughout the day. Compared with the fixed partitioning strategy, this dynamic arrangement enhances the efficiency of energy storage utilization, allowing for a more rational and flexible distribution of the limited energy storage capacity.
There are M renewable energy entities, which include wind and PV power plants. In compliance with market policy guidelines [
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
where m is the number of renewable energy entities and also indicates the number of dynamic zones; t is the time period; M is the total number of renewable energy entities; is the predicted output of renewable energy entity m; is the planned output of renewable energy entity m; and are the day-ahead demand power and capacity of renewable energy entity m, respectively; and are the demanded charging and discharging power of renewable energy entity m, respectively; is the actual power output of renewable energy entity m; is a binary variable, which represents the charging and discharging status of demand power; is the number of standardized SES units of renewable energy entity m; and is the total number of standardized SES units in the centralized SES station.
(10) |
(11) |
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
(15) |
(16) |
(17) |
where is the allocated capacity of renewable energy entity m; is the total rated capacity for centralized SES station; is the rated capacity of a standardized SES unit; is the total charging and discharging power of entity m; and are the charging and discharging power requests of renewable energy entity m, respectively; is the discharging power of renewable energy entity m in standardized SES unit k; and are the charging and discharging power of the SES entity; T, with a value of 24, is the number of operation periods; is the upper limit of the charging and discharging power of renewable energy entity m; is the upper limit of the total charging and discharging power of the centralized SES station participating in the spot market; and is a binary variable, which represents the charging and discharging status of renewable energy entity m.
(18) |
(19) |
(20) |
where is the state of charge (SoC) of standardized SES unit k; and and are the minimum and maximum SOC limits for standardized SES unit k, respectively. Formulas (
After the dynamic partitioning for SES has been completed, the multi-entity operation will be implemented with the Nash bargaining model. The multi-entity operation Nash bargaining model has three parts: the operation model of the renewable energy entity, the operation model of the SES entity, and the multi-entity Nash bargaining model. The dynamic partitioning strategy occurs one day in advance, based on the tracking of planned output demands. Renewable energy entities, comprising wind and PV power plants, are integrated into the grid. The centralized SES station leases energy storage capacity to renewable energy entities. The leased SES capacity is employed to smooth the power output fluctuations of wind and PV power plants, track their planned output curves, and compensate for the discrepancies between real-time dispatch output and their declared curve, reducing the deviation costs for wind and PV power plants. This ensures the accommodation of renewable energy, thereby increasing the trading volume for renewable energy entities. Simultaneously, the SES entity sets prices for the leased energy storage capacity [
The centralized SES station operates independently, providing charging and discharging services for renewable energy entities. When the demands of renewable energy entities are prioritized, the remaining capacity of the centralized SES station can flexibly participate in the spot market. The centralized SES stations participate in the spot market through a self-scheduling mechanism. If the SES does not partake in the spot market, the operational revenue of the station will be significantly reduced [
The capacity of the centralized SES station can track the planned output of renewable energy entities, and reduce the forecasting error of renewable energy entities, minimizing the curtailed power and improving the operation and dispatching flexibility of the power grid. The operation profit for renewable energy entity m can be expressed as:
(21) |
where is the revenue from energy sales of renewable energy entity m; is the leasing payment of SES for renewable energy entity m; is the operation and maintenance (O&M) cost for renewable energy entity m; and is the penalty cost for renewable energy entity m deviated from the planned output. The revenue from the energy sales of renewable energy entities is defined as:
(22) |
where is the feed-in tariff for renewable energy; and is the allowable deviation range of the planned output. The O&M cost of renewable energy entities is defined as:
(23) |
where is the O&M cost of renewable energy generation. lies in compensating for the interference caused by real-time dispatch deviation of renewable energy entities from the planned output. According to relevant regulations in China, the reduction and exemption of the deviation power of the grid-connected renewable energy power plants at each moment are set at 5% of the declared power for the previous day, and the excess part is included in the deviation cost.
(24) |
(25) |
where is the deviation power for grid-connected renewable energy entity m; is the power shortfall of renewable energy entity m; and z is the cost per deviation power unit.
The bilateral energy trading will be triggered when renewable energy entities lease the capacity from the SES entity to track the planned output on their needs. The leasing payment is calculated based on the charging and discharging of the SES per unit. Renewable energy entity m can bargain with the SES entity to finalize the terms of energy trading and determine the leasing payment amount. The leasing payment depends on the supply and demand relationship between the SES entity and renewable energy entities. The leasing payment for energy trading between renewable energy and SES entities is defined as:
(26) |
(27) |
(28) |
(29) |
where is the leasing payment of renewable energy entity m per unit; and are the amounts of energy trading between renewable energy entity m and the SES entity; and and are the leasing payments for energy trading between the renewable energy entity m and the SES entity.
The operation profit for the SES entity is defined as:
(30) |
where is the revenue of SES entity participating in the spot market; is the capacity tariff compensation of SES entity; and is the total O&M cost for the centralized SES station.
The revenue comes from the SES entity that participates in the spot market. The SES entity participates in the spot market by offering peak shaving and valley filling services based on price differences between peak and off-peak periods without submitting any bid price. As a price taker, the charging and discharging actions of the SES entity do not affect the market clearing prices. The SES entity can flexibly optimize its output shares for each period. It can profit from price variation by utilizing the remaining capacity of the SES for energy trading.
(31) |
(32) |
where is the clearing price of the spot market, and the locational marginal price (LMP) pricing mechanism is adopted; and is the discharging power when SES entity participates in the spot market. According to the energy storage policy in provincial-level spot markets in China, is provided to energy storage participating in the spot market, while the capacity associated with leasing and other methods does not qualify for capacity tariff compensation.
(33) |
where is the ration of capacity tariff compensation; and is the compensation capacity participating in the spot market. The O&M cost of the SES entity is defined as:
(34) |
where is the unit cost of O&M.
The Nash bargaining model is introduced for optimizing the cooperative operation between renewable energy and SES entities. In this model, each entity is regarded as an independent and rational individual, and all participating entities strive to achieve consensus through bargaining. We seek an equilibrium strategy that maximizes the collective benefits of all participants to the fullest extent. Nash bargaining is a theory that belongs to cooperative games, providing a theoretical framework to elucidate the process of bargaining among multiple entities.
The Nash bargaining model is employed to analyze the collaboration between renewable energy and SES entities, which can fairly and reasonably determine both the leasing capacity and leasing price of the SES. The maximum Nash product solution represents the equilibrium outcome in the Nash bargaining game problem, and this solution can ensure that the cooperative participants achieve Pareto-optimal benefits. Each participating entity can reach its optimal decision through Nash bargaining. The formula for the Nash bargaining model is:
(35) |
where and are the profit functions for renewable energy bargaining entity m; and and are the bargaining breakdown points referring to the profits of each bargaining entity before the cooperation, which represent the minimum acceptable profits that the entity refuses all agreements during the bargaining. The objective of Nash bargaining is to maximize the enhancement in benefits for all cooperation entities.
The Nash bargaining model is a non-convex and non-linear problem that is difficult to solve directly. The mean inequality is applied to decompose the bargaining model into two consecutive subproblems [
Each entity is willing to participate in energy trading and can strictly improve its performance in terms of upper total profit, i.e., , . All entities form a cohesive coalition, and the total profit for the coalition will increase due to energy trading.
For ease of calculation, we set two intermediate variables and as:
(36) |
(37) |
The energy trading of entities leads to an overall increase in coalition profit. The details of the proof for the subproblem decomposition can be found in Appendix A.
(38) |
The planned output of renewable energy bargaining entity m at time t is defined as the sum of the actual renewable energy output, power shortfall, and energy storage charging and discharging power at time t.
(39) |
To protect the privacy of entities engaged in bargaining, this paper employs a distributed ADMM algorithm to solve the subproblems of maximizing profits of multi-entities and bargaining leasing payment for energy trading. The algorithm has strong convergence properties, simple form, and strong robustness, making it a common choice for solving optimization problems with separable variables. The detailed solution steps can be found in [

Fig. 2 Solution process of distributed ADMM algorithm.
To solve S1 for maximizing the profits of multiple entities, auxiliary variable is introduced, which represents the optimal energy expected to be leased from the SES entity by renewable energy entities at time t, the model of S1 is transformed into a double-coupling model.
(42) |
(43) |
The multiple entities bargain and reach a consensus on energy trading. To convert the problem into a minimization problem, we construct the augmented Lagrangian function of S1 as:
(44) |
where is the Lagrange multipliers for renewable energy entities of S1; is the penalty factor for S1; and k is the iteration number. By utilizing the distributed ADMM algorithm to solve the augmented Lagrangian function in the distribution framework, we can obtain:
(46) |
Initialize the iteration number, set the parameters, and update the Lagrange multipliers:
(47) |
Determine the convergence condition of the distributed ADMM algorithm:
(48) |
where is the residual convergence precision for S1.
To solve S2 for bargaining the leasing payment, we introduce auxiliary variable to represent the expected leasing payment for renewable energy entities.
(49) |
(50) |
The augmented Lagrangian function for S2 can be constructed as:
(51) |
where is the Lagrange multipliers for the renewable energy entities of S2; and is the penalty factor for S2. Similar to S1, we can decompose the augmented Lagrangian function for S2 to obtain distributed optimization models for determining the leasing payment in energy trading and initialize the iteration number, set the parameters, and update the Lagrange multipliers:
(52) |
(53) |
where is the residual convergence precision for S2.
Finally, we obtain the optimal leasing price for renewable energy entities. Additionally, the Pareto-optimal profits for multi-entities and the maximum profit for the coalition can be determined.
In this subsection, we simulate the proposed optimal operation with a dynamic partitioning strategy for the centralized SES station. Detailed parameters of the standardized SES units are shown in
Parameter | Value |
Power of standardized SES unit (MW) | 5 |
Capacity of standardized SES unit (MWh) | 10 |
Ratio of step-up transformer (kV) | 0.4/35 |
Rated capacity of step-up transformer (MVA) | 5.5 |
Rated power of PCS (MW) | 0.63 |
Rated power of battery cabinet (MW) | 0.63 |
Rated capacity of battery cabinet (MWh) | 1.395 |
We examine three renewable energy entities, including two wind power plants of 150 MW and 100 MW and one PV power plant of 100 MW in northwest China.
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, we analyze the actual output and planned output of these renewable energy power plants on typical days. The equipment scale and cost of the centralized SES station as well as the feed-in tariff and O&M cost factor of renewable energy power plants are shown in Appendix B.
To validate the effectiveness of the optimal operation with a dynamic partitioning strategy for SES, our analysis explores three distinct scenarios.
Base scenario: entities do not cooperate with each other. Renewable energy entities are directly connected to the grid, and the SES entity operates independently.
Scenario 1: the optimal operation with a fixed partitioning strategy is involved for the centralized SES station. Here, renewable energy entities collaborate with the SES entity. The fixed capacity is determined based on the rated capacities of renewable energy entities.
Scenario 2: the optimal operation with a dynamic partitioning strategy is implemented for the centralized SES station. The strategy fosters collaboration between renewable energy entities and the SES entity.
This paper presents an analysis of optimization operation results across the scenarios, as shown in
Entity | Results on Base scenario (kWh) | Results on Scenario 1 (fixed) (kWh) | Results on Scenario 2 (dynamic) (kWh) | |||||||||
Transaction | Curtailment | Penalty | Grid-connected | Transaction | Curtailment | Penalty | Grid-connected | Transaction | Curtailment | Penalty | Grid-connected | |
1 | 45.50 | 93.18 | 1979.50 | 144.81 | 0 | 26.42 | 2046.39 | 156.22 | 3.40 | 5.04 | 2074.34 | |
2 | 87.78 | 25.32 | 1119.22 | 89.96 | 46.50 | 0 | 1167.90 | 114.50 | 12.43 | 2.80 | 1158.38 | |
3 | 19.82 | 413.18 | 107249 | 59.49 | 0 | 14.31 | 458.04 | 70.99 | 1.99 | 7.24 | 470.72 |

Fig. 3 Performance tracking of renewable energy entities in Scenario 1. (a) Wind power entity 1. (b) Wind power entity 2. (c) PV entity 3.
Scenario 1 showcases the effectiveness of cooperative operations between renewable energy and the SES entities in reducing wind and PV curtailments as well as power deviation in renewable energy power plants. Nevertheless, some limitations persist. Wind power entity 1 faces power shortages during 10:00-14:00, wind power entity 2 experiences 46.5 kWh of wind curtailment, and PV entity 3 encounters power shortages as well. The results demonstrate that while fixed partitioning strategy in Scenario 1 largely aligns with the planned output, it falls short of fully harnessing the spatiotemporal adjustment capabilities of energy storage. Consequently, it leads to suboptimal energy storage utilization and high operational costs for both renewable energy and the SES entities.

Fig. 4 Performance tracking of renewable energy entities in Scenario 2. (a) Wind power entity 1. (b) Wind power entity 2. (c) PV entity 3.

Fig. 5 Dynamic allocated capacity among various entities.
The total utilization rate of the centralized SES station is calculated as:
(54) |
(55) |
where is the actual utilization rate of renewable energy entity m; is the actual utilization rate of the centralized SES station; and is the SoC of spot market capacity.
Entity | Actual utilization rate (%) | |
Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | |
Wind power entity 1 (150 MW) | 32.76 | 63.59 |
Wind power entity 2 (100 MW) | 39.54 | 50.07 |
PV entity 3 (150 MW) | 34.22 | 46.63 |
Entire centralized SES station | 34.61 | 55.52 |

Fig. 6 Dynamic energy trading among different entities in Scenarios 1 and 2. (a) Scenario 1. (b) Scenario 2.
This increase in energy trading has also contributed to elevated electricity consumption by renewable energy entities, providing further validation of effectiveness of the dynamic partitioning strategy in improving energy storage utilization efficiency.

Fig. 7 Leasing payment of centralized SES station in Scenarios 1 and 2. (a) Scenario 1. (b) Scenario 2.
In Scenario 1, the average leasing payments for the three renewable energy entities are CNY 0.30, CNY 0.21, and CNY 0.06, respectively. This suggests that accessing the SES through leasing is more cost-efficient than utilizing energy storage independently for renewable energy entities. Essentially, leasing the centralized SES station capacity proves to be a more economically efficient option compared with configuring energy storage independently. Through energy trading among various entities, the strategy can achieve lower leasing prices.
In Scenario 2, the average leasing prices for renewable energy entities 1, 2, and 3 are CNY 0.36, CNY 0.21, and CNY 0.07, respectively. A comparison reveals that the leasing prices in Scenario 2 are higher than those in Scenario 1. The increase in leasing prices results in increased leasing payments for renewable energy entities, consequently boosting the total profits of the coalition. The increased utilization of SES capacity mitigates the impact of higher leasing payments by reducing deviation penalty costs and curtailed power. As a result, it enhances the integration of renewable energy into the grid.
Entity | Base Scenario | Scenario 1 (fixed) | Scenario 2 (dynamic) | |||||||||
Revenue (CNY) | Leasing payment (CNY) | Other cost (CNY) | Profit (CNY) | Revenue (CNY) | Leasing payment (CNY) | Other cost (CNY) | Profit (CNY) | Revenue (CNY) | Leasing payment (CNY) | Other cost (CNY) | Profit (CNY) | |
1 | 930365.0 | 85540 | 844825.0 | 961801.93 | 53044.80 | 29409.78 | 879347.35 | 974939.10 | 65104.81 | 20421.57 | 889412.72 | |
2 | 526033.4 | 66206 | 459827.4 | 548913.00 | 21655.99 | 32905.86 | 494351.15 | 544437.12 | 22746.58 | 17274.85 | 504415.69 | |
3 | 144613.0 | 37364 | 107249.0 | 160317.04 | 7749.41 | 10795.65 | 141771.98 | 164753.36 | 4664.46 | 8256.27 | 151832.63 |
In Scenario 2, the centralized SES station adopts a dynamic partitioning strategy, thereby enhancing the utilization of centralized SES station. The reasonable capacity partitioning better aligns with the planned output of renewable energy power plants, reducing wind and PV curtailments, increasing revenue, and trimming costs. The final results in
Due to operational and battery SoC constraints, the energy storage system has difficulty in achieving a maximum utilization rate. The key to improving energy storage utilization lies in a well-designed operational scheduling. For centralized energy storage systems, refined management that involves hierarchical, zonal, and clustered strategies has a significant impact on the overall efficiency of energy storage stations. Fully capitalizing on the multifunctionality of energy storage systems poses one of the future challenges in developing energy storage.
In this paper, we introduce a dynamic partitioning strategy for centralized SES stations. Our research findings highlight its suitability in operating and scheduling large-scale centralized SES stations, making it applicable across various scenarios and involving multiple entities through leasing arrangements. The practice of energy trading among multiple renewable energy entities effectively enhances the tracking of the planned output, improves the grid-connected power generation, and reduces overall deviation penalties and curtailed power. This strategy significantly elevates the actual utilization rate of energy storage facilities, resulting in an approximately 20.91% improvement compared with the fixed partitioning strategy. Furthermore, the collaboration between the centralized SES station and renewable energy entities reduces the usage costs of energy storage facilities, amplifies operational profits for each entity, shortens the recovery period for centralized SES stations, and ultimately creates a win-win situation for all involved entities.
The basic inequality has the following properties:
(A1) |
With , according to the basic inequality, the objective function of the Nash bargaining model satisfies the following equation.
(A2) |
The formula is equivalent only if the following condition is met.
(A3) |
Since is constant, maximizing is equivalent to maximizing .
Due to , , the following equality holds.
(A4) |
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