This paper establishes a two-layer data-driven robust scheduling method to deal with the significant computational complexity and uncertainties in scheduling industrial heat loads. First, a two-layer deterministic scheduling model is proposed to address the computational burden of utilizing flexibility from a large number of bitumen tanks (BTs). The key feature of this model is the capability to reduce the number of control variables through analyzing and modeling the clustered temperature transfer of BTs. Second, to tackle the uncertainties in the scheduling problem, historical data regarding BTs are collected and analyzed, and a data-driven piecewise linear Kernel-based support vector clustering technique is employed to construct the uncertainty set with convex boundaries and adjustable conservatism, based on which robust optimization can be conducted. The case results indicate that the proposed method enables the utilization of flexibility in BTs, improving the level of onsite photovoltaic consumption and reducing the aggregated load fluctuation.
IN the past decades, dispatchable loads have attracted vital attention due to their substantial potential for balancing power systems through management. In industrial sectors, industrial heat loads (IHLs) possess inherent operational flexibility due to their thermal storage capacity, enabling them to participate in demand response in power systems [
In this paper, an industrial site with bitumen tanks (BTs) is studied as an example of IHLs. The global bitumen market was valued at around 105 billion dollars in 2022, underscoring its substantial presence in the construction and infrastructure sectors worldwide [
Electric BTs are typically equipped with electric heating devices to maintain the bitumen within a certain temperature range, ensuring its fluidity for industrial applications in road construction, building infrastructure, petroleum, chemical, and other various fields [
Nowadays, for tapping the demand response potential of IHLs, there are mainly two research challenges. First, the scheduling of IHLs presents a significant computational challenge due to the strong nonlinearity and large number of integer variables involved [
Currently, exact methods and heuristic algorithms serve as the two primary categories of strategies to address the NP-hard problems. Many scholars have conducted extensive research on exact methods aiming at enhancing the solving efficiency of the NP-hard problems, including cutting plane-based methods [
To address the calculation complexity arising from a large number of BTs and attain the optimal solution, a two-layer control model is established in this paper, which decomposes a control problem into two layers of sub-problems [
Moreover, there have been no studies considering the impact of external uncertainty factors on the temperature change rate of BTs in the scheduling processes. To cope with uncertainties, robust optimization is widely used, which is a mathematical method aiming to develop models that generate solutions that are less sensitive to the uncertainties [
The main contributions of this paper are provided as follows.
1) The clustered temperature transfer characteristics of BTs are investigated with the aim of accelerating scheduling.
2) A two-layer deterministic scheduling (TDS) model is proposed to speed up the solution efficiency for the scheduling of BTs. In this model, the number of control variables is significantly reduced and remains unaffected by the increasing scale of BTs.
3) A data-driven PLK-based SVC technique is developed to deal with the uncertainties in the two-layer data-driven robust scheduling (TDRS) model of BTs. The shape of the uncertainty set can be adaptively constructed, and the level of its conservatism can be flexibly adjusted.
The remainder of the paper is arranged as follows. Section II introduces the modeling and control of BTs. Section III devises the TDS model for scheduling BTs. Section IV develops the two-layer model into a robust optimization format to deal with the uncertainties. Section V discusses the simulation results. Finally, Section VI concludes this paper and presents the future directions.
As shown in

Fig. 1 An industrial site with BT, base load, and onsite PV generation.
To ensure the availability of bitumen, it is necessary to keep it in BTs in a liquid state and, simultaneously, ensure that its temperature is within an allowable range [
(1) |
In (1), equals 1 if the heater is switched on and 0 if off. Meanwhile, decides the temperature change rate within the BT:
(2) |
By combining (1) and (2), the temperature change rate of the BT can be represented by its switching state:
(3) |

Fig. 2 Temperature control process of a BT.
The ODS model is the conventional model for the scheduling of BTs. In this paper, the objective of the ODS model is to minimize the peak-to-valley difference of the electricity exchange between the industrial site and the external power grid.
(4) |
The temperature transfer constraint of each BT and the temperature limit in each BT are given as:
(5) |
(6) |
The ODS model presented above is an integer programming problem, with the number of control variables being . Therefore, the solution time grows exponentially as the number of BTs increases.
To deal with the computational burden as the number of BTs increases, the TDS model is proposed.
The upper-layer clustered optimization in the TDS model aims to decide the total number of BTs turned on at each time slot, by contrast to deciding the on/off status of each individual BT in the ODS model. Therefore, the number of decision variables is much reduced and does not change with the increasing numbers of BTs.
In this layer, the objective is formulated as:
(7) |
Accordingly, the constraints of all the individual BTs are also replaced by those specifying the average temperature change of the whole BT population, i.e., the clustered temperature transfer process. Specifically, by summing (5) of each BT and calculating the mean, the constraint for the average temperature of the entire BT population is given as:
(8) |
The temperatures of BTs are actually discretely distributed around the average temperature. To ensure that the temperature of each BT does not go beyond the upper or lower limit, a certain gap needs to be kept between the average temperature of BTs and and :
(9) |
Remark: the control variables of this upper-layer clustered optimization model are . The total number of these control variables is H, which will not be influenced by the number of BTs. Therefore, compared with the ODS model, the calculation time can be significantly reduced when a large number of BTs are dealt with.
Based on the obtained upper-layer clustered optimization results, the lower-layer state distribution aims to decide which specific BTs are turned on at each time slot. Basically, it should be satisfied that the total number of BTs turned on after state distribution equals the obtained upper-layer clustered optimization results:
(10) |
However, there are many feasible state distribution results under the satisfaction of (10). Therefore, this paper proposes a lower-layer state distribution principle, where BTs with lower temperatures are preferentially turned on at any time step. This ensures that the temperature of each BT remains as far from the temperature limits of Tup and Tdown as possible.
(11) |
Mathematically, the state distribution principle is equivalent to minimizing the variance of temperatures of BTs during different time periods, as presented above.
In this subsection, a detailed analysis is provided to acquire the magnitude of the gap in (9). For a population of BTs, two arbitrary BTs are taken out for analysis. Based on the lower-layer state distribution, there are three combinations of the on/off states for the two BTs at any time step. ① Scenario 1: both BTs in the on state. ② Scenario 2: both BTs in the off state. ③ Scenario 3: the BT with a lower temperature in the on state while the BT with a higher temperature in the off state.
In Scenario 1, the BT with a lower temperature will heat up faster according to (5), as shown in

Fig. 3 Temperature transfer process of two BTs. (a) Scenario 1. (b) Scenario 2. (c) Scenario 3 when . (d) Scenario 3 when . (e) Scenario 3 when .
(12) |
For the two BTs, is less than and infinitely approaches , i.e., . Hence, , and therefore .
Summarizing Scenarios 1-3, it can be deduced that if , the temperature difference between the two BTs after the subsequent time slot must be less than . Thus, as long as the very initial width of the temperature distribution of the BT population before the first time step is smaller than , it will not exceed at any time step. Therefore, the value of can be treated as the magnitude of the gap in (9). When constraint (9) is respected and the lower-layer state distribution is applied, the temperature of each individual BT will not go beyond the temperature limits throughout the scheduling horizon.
To conclude the formulation, the objective of the upper-layer clustered optimization is (7), which is subject to constraints (8), (9), and (12). After the upper-layer clustered optimization, the total number of on states at each time step can be calculated, and then the lower-layer state distribution is executed. The objective of lower-layer state distribution is (11), which is subject to constraints (5), (6), and (10).
The uncertainties of BTs lie in their clustered temperature transfer process. According to (8), there are two uncertain factors that influence the temperature change rate of BTs at an industrial site, specifically and . For example, U would be higher in rainy and snowy weather while lower in sunny and dry weather. In addition, there are also forecasting errors for . Unlike the uncertainties of PV and base load, the uncertainties of BTs may cause automatic on/off switching of their electric heaters, leading to significant deviations in the actual clustered temperature transfer process of BTs from the day-ahead scheduling. This can result in fluctuations in the actual power consumption curve of BTs, deteriorating the execution results, which will be discussed in detail in Section V-B.
To deal with the uncertainty of U and by using the robust optimal scheduling method, it is necessary to construct a convex two-dimensional uncertainty set for them.
In specific, assuming that M historical data samples of the uncertain parameters considered are available, the objective of the SVC model is to seek a sphere that tries to enclose all the data samples with minimal volume and acts as the uncertainty set [
(13) |
(14) |
In (13) and (14), is adopted as the soft margins to accommodate outliers of historical data samples. is used to penalize outliers. The elements in have the same unit. Moreover, the mapping function is designed to achieve the transformation from low-dimensional space to high-dimensional space, facilitating the enclosure of .For solving the above SVC model, it is reformulated into a Lagrange function [
(15) |
To solve (15), the following Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions [
(16) |
(17) |
(18) |
Putting the KKT conditions into (15), the dual problem [
(19) |
(20) |
(21) |
Generally, to construct a convex two-dimensional uncertainty set, it is necessary to give the mapping function . However, in nonlinear classification problems, obtaining the appropriate mapping function from low-dimensional space to high-dimensional space may be challenging, and sometimes even infeasible [
In this paper, the kernel function is adopted to address this issue. Kernel function can solve the nonlinear classification problem in the low-dimensional space without explicitly giving the mapped function [
(22) |
After calculating the dual problem, the related correlations of the results are described as [
(23) |
where indicates that um is an outlier outside the convex uncertainty set; indicates that um is a boundary support vector, which forms the boundaries of the convex uncertainty set; and indicates that um is a vector within the convex uncertainty set.
Therefore, the convex uncertainty set can be obtained as:
(24) |
In robust scheduling, due to the convexity of the constructed uncertainty set, it is only needed to ensure that the boundary support vectors satisfy the constraints.
The above analysis is at the mathematical level. In actual industrial sites, the application of PLK-based SVC technique may encounter new issues. For example, as claimed in Section IV-B-1), is a two-dimensional vector and its elements should have the same unit. However, this is not the case for U and in the scheduling of BTs.
To address this issue, this paper defines consisting of the variation of the bitumen temperature due to the variation of U and , i.e., and , which is calculated as:
(25) |
(26) |
In (25) and (26), and are the partial derivatives of the bitumen temperature with respect to U and Tamb, respectively, calculated from (5). Moreover, and have the same unit (℃). Subsequently, the data-driven PLK-based SVC technique is used to generate the convex uncertainty set for scheduling BTs. Assuming the obtained boundary support vectors are donated as , the corresponding historical data can be used for the TDRS model.
The objective function of the upper-layer clustered optimization is the same as (7). The consideration of uncertain factors is mainly reflected in the constraints, which are provided as:
(27) |
(28) |
It should be noted that, the actual U and Tamb vary at different time, while the fixed parameter values are utilized in both the TDS model and each scenario of the TDRS model. If the temporal variation characteristics of and are considered within each time slot, the dimension of the constructed uncertainty set should be , resulting in too many scenarios to be considered in the robust model and making the computation more complex. In fact, the fixed values of and in the uncertainty set can also achieve satisfactory performance in addressing the uncertainties of BTs in the robust model, as will be demonstrated in Section V-D.
To conclude, firstly, the SVC-based uncertainty set construction is executed considering robustness. Secondly, based on the obtained boundary support vectors of the constructed uncertainty set, the TDRS model is implemented. The objective of the upper-layer clustered optimization is (7), which is subject to the constraints (12), (27), and (28). After obtaining the number of BTs turned on at each time slot considering uncertainties, the lower-layer state distribution is then executed. The objective of lower-layer state distribution is (11), subject to constraints (5), (6), and (10).
In this section, the TDS model and the TDRS model are applied to the industrial system introduced in Section II-A. All numerical simulations are conducted on a laptop equipped with a 2.60 GHz i7 CPU processor and 8 GB RAM. The CPLEX solver is executed in MATLAB to solve the models. The parameter values used in the cases are listed in
Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value |
U (kW· |
7.75×1 | Prate (kW) | 120 |
cv (kJ·k | 1.34 | Tdown (℃) | 150 |
Tup (℃) | 180 | m (kg) | 21500 |
M | 400 | Δt (s) | 900 |
A ( | 36 | H | 96 |
In this subsection, different existing methods for solving the ODS model, such as the CPLEX solver (with the optimality gap set at 0.01) and the PSO algorithm (with acceleration coefficients , , and inertia weight ), are compared with the proposed TDS model, which is also solved by the CPLEX solver with the same optimality gap. Moreover, the penalty function method is utilized in the PSO algorithm to handle the constraints.
Method | Calculation time (s) | Peak-to-valley difference (MW) | ||||
CPLEX solver | 214.38 | 968.47 | 7359.65 | 0.3872 | 0.1552 | 0.1136 |
PSO algorithm | 6627.23 | 18223.71 | 0.4335 | 0.1871 | ||
TDS model | 13.27 | 13.92 | 13.46 | 0.4221 | 0.1934 | 0.1136 |
The TDS results and the corresponding temperature transfer process of BTs when are provided, as shown in

Fig. 4 TDS results and corresponding temperature transfer process of BTs when . (a) Total consumption of 20 BTs. (b) Corresponding temperature transfer process.

Fig. 5 TDS results and corresponding temperature transfer process of BTs when . (a) Total consumption of 10 BTs. (b) Corresponding temperature transfer process.
Due to the influence of uncertain factors, the control commands of BTs obtained from the TDS model may lead to constraint violation.

Fig. 6 Values of uncertain factors on a rainy day. (a) . (b) .

Fig. 7 Actual execution results of 20 BTs obtained by TDS model under uncertainty. (a) Actual total consumption of 20 BTs. (b) Corresponding temperature transfer process.
In this paper, 400 historical data samples of are collected from the KVM UK Ltd [

Fig. 8 Uncertainty sets of . (a) . (b) .
For example, on a rainy day, the rain may last for several hours, e.g., 6 hours. During this rainy period, the higher can lead to the accumulated temperature deviation reaching ℃. Considering that the allowable temperature range of BTs is from 150 ℃ to 180 ℃, this accumulated temperature deviation is notable and may result in the bitumen temperature exceeding the allowable range. If that happens, the BTs, detecting this deviation via temperature sensors, would have to move away from ODS to correct the bitumen temperature back to the allowable range, thus leading to larger power fluctuations of BTs, as analyzed in Section V-B.
The actually executed power consumption curve of 20 BTs based on the TDRS model with is illustrated in

Fig. 9 Actual execution results of 20 BTs based on TDRS model with . (a) Actual total consumption of 20 BTs. (b) Corresponding temperature transfer process.
It is noteworthy that in the TDRS model, due to the consideration of the uncertainty set, the temperature difference, (shown in

Fig. 10 Actual execution results of 20 BTs based on TDRS model with . (a) Actual total consumption of 20 BTs. (b) Corresponding temperature transfer process.
Consequently, more BTs are turned on before approximately 10:00, and more are turned off between approximately 10:00 and 16:30. As a result, the actual electricity exchange with the power grid obtained by the TDRS model with is higher than that with before approximately 10:00 and is lower than that between approximately 10:00 and 16:30.
Model | Peak-to-valley difference (MW) |
TDS model | 0.3820 |
TDRS model with | 0.2181 |
TDRS model with | 0.1847 |
TDRS model with | 0.1695 |
TDRS model with | 0.1741 |
TDRS model with | 0.2208 |
TDRS model with | 0.2914 |
TDRS model (with an ellipse as uncertainty set) | 0.4003 |
TDRS model (with a box as uncertainty set) | 0.4198 |
Remark: in
In this paper, 100 historical data samples are randomly selected from the 400 samples depicted in

Fig. 11 Number of actual scenarios achieving a better peak-to-valley difference under TDRS model with different values of v.
In this paper, a two-layer TDRS model is proposed for tapping the flexibility contained in IHLs. To deal with the calculation difficulty and uncertainties, the clustered temperature transfer process of BTs is investigated, and a PLK-based SVC technique is utilized to deal with the uncertainties in robust optimal scheduling. Compared with the ODS model, the proposed TDRS model can significantly reduce the computation time of scheduling 20 BTs from over 2 hours to 13.46 s, with both models being solved using the CPLEX solver. Moreover, by comparing the results of the TDRS model in various actual scenarios, a recommended level of conservatism () is adopted to mitigate the influence of uncertain factors in the actual execution of day-ahead scheduling.
The appropriate conservatism of the TDRS model varies across various actual scenarios, as shown in
Symbol | —— | Definition |
A. | —— | Parameters |
Δt | —— | Length of each time slot |
ΔT | —— | Magnitude of gap |
ΔTup | —— | Temperature increase during a Δt period for a bitumen tank (BT) |
ΔTdown | —— | Temperature decrease during a Δt period for a BT |
—— | Temperature transfer deviation of BTs caused by uncertainty of Um | |
—— | Temperature transfer deviation of BTs caused by uncertainty of | |
α, β | —— | Lagrange multipliers |
—— | Slack variable | |
—— | The | |
A | —— | Area of a BT |
cv | —— | Heat capacity of bitumen |
H | —— | Number of time slots in time horizon |
K | —— | Dimension of historical data sample |
M | —— | Number of historical data samples |
m | —— | Mass of bitumen in a BT |
N | —— | Number of BTs |
Pabsorb | —— | Heat absorption rate |
Ploss | —— | Heat loss rate |
Pnet | —— | Heat transfer rate |
Prate | —— | Rated heat power |
P | —— | Center of sphere |
Q | —— | Number of boundary support vectors |
R | —— | Radius of sphere |
T | —— | Bitumen temperature |
Tamb | —— | Temperature of outside ambiance |
Tup | —— | Upper limit of bitumen temperature |
Tdown | —— | Lower limit of bitumen temperature |
—— | The | |
U | —— | Overall heat transfer coefficient |
Um | —— | The |
um, ui, uj | —— | The |
—— | The | |
—— | The | |
v | —— | Regularization parameter |
B. | —— | State Variables |
—— | Base load of industrial site at time h | |
—— | Power generation of local photovoltaic (PV) at time h | |
—— | Average temperature of BTs at time h | |
Tn,h | —— | Temperature of the |
—— | Average temperature of BTs corresponding to the | |
C. | —— | Decision Variables |
x | —— | On/off state of a BT |
xn,h | —— | State of the |
xh | —— | Total number of BTs turned on at time h |
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